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function hook_search_api_solr_multi_query_alter in Search API Solr 7

Lets modules alter a Solr search request for a multi-index search.

SearchApiSolrConnectionInterface::search() is called afterwards with these parameters. Please see this method for details on what should be altered where and what is set afterwards.


array $call_args: An associative array containing all three arguments to the SearchApiSolrConnectionInterface::search() call ("query", "params" and "method") as references.

SearchApiMultiQueryInterface $query: The object representing the executed search query.

1 invocation of hook_search_api_solr_multi_query_alter()
SearchApiSolrService::searchMultiple in includes/
Implements SearchApiMultiServiceInterface::searchMultiple().


./search_api_solr.api.php, line 97
Hooks provided by the Search API Solr search module.


function hook_search_api_solr_multi_query_alter(array &$call_args, SearchApiMultiQueryInterface $query) {
  if ($query
    ->getOption('foobar')) {
    $call_args['params']['foo'] = 'bar';