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function search_api_saved_search_create_access in Search API Saved Searches 7

Determine whether the current user can create a saved search for specific settings.


SearchApiSavedSearchesSettings $settings: The settings to check for. May be NULL, if $manual is TRUE, to check if any saved searches can be created manually.

boolean $manual: (optional) If TRUE, check access for creating a saved search manually.

Return value

boolean TRUE iff the current user is allowed to create a new saved search.

2 calls to search_api_saved_search_create_access()
search_api_saved_searches_block_view in ./search_api_saved_searches.module
Implements hook_block_view().
search_api_saved_search_create_personal_access in ./search_api_saved_searches.module
Access callback: Checks access for the user-specific "add search" page.
1 string reference to 'search_api_saved_search_create_access'
search_api_saved_searches_menu in ./search_api_saved_searches.module
Implements hook_menu().


./search_api_saved_searches.module, line 553
Offers the ability to save searches and be notified of new results.


function search_api_saved_search_create_access(SearchApiSavedSearchesSettings $settings = NULL, $manual = FALSE) {
  if ($manual) {
    if (isset($settings)) {
      if (!$settings->enabled || empty($settings->options['manual']['allow'])) {
        return FALSE;
    else {
      foreach (search_api_saved_searches_settings_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
        'enabled' => TRUE,
      )) as $settings) {
        if (!empty($settings->options['manual']['allow'])) {
          $found = TRUE;
      if (empty($found)) {
        return FALSE;
  elseif (!$settings->enabled) {
    return FALSE;
  if (user_access('administer search_api_saved_searches')) {
    return TRUE;
  if (!user_access('use search_api_saved_searches')) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!isset($settings)) {
    return TRUE;

  // @todo Check settings-specific access rules, when there are any.
  return TRUE;