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function search_api_saved_searches_settings_load_multiple in Search API Saved Searches 7

Loads multiple settings objects.


array|false $ids: The settings' identifiers or deltas; or FALSE to load all settings objects.

array $conditions: Associative array of field => value conditions that returned objects must satisfy.

bool $reset: If TRUE, will reset the internal entity cache.

Return value

SearchApiSavedSearchesSettings[] All saved search settings matching the conditions, keyed by delta.

8 calls to search_api_saved_searches_settings_load_multiple()
search_api_saved_searches_block_info in ./search_api_saved_searches.module
Implements hook_block_info().
search_api_saved_searches_create_manual in ./
Page callback for manually creating a new saved search.
search_api_saved_searches_index_edit in ./
Form builder for editing the saved search settings for an index.
search_api_saved_searches_search_api_index_delete in ./search_api_saved_searches.module
Implements hook_search_api_index_delete().
search_api_saved_searches_search_api_index_update in ./search_api_saved_searches.module
Implements hook_search_api_index_update().

... See full list


./search_api_saved_searches.module, line 502
Offers the ability to save searches and be notified of new results.


function search_api_saved_searches_settings_load_multiple($ids = FALSE, array $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  $settings = entity_load('search_api_saved_searches_settings', $ids, $conditions, $reset);
  return entity_key_array_by_property($settings, 'delta');