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function search_api_page_query_has_facets in Search API Pages 7

Determines whether an executed query had any facet filters set.


SearchApiQueryInterface $query: The query in question.

Return value

bool TRUE if there are filters with a "facet:*" tag present in the query object, FALSE otherwise.

1 call to search_api_page_query_has_facets()
search_api_page_search_execute in ./
Executes a search.


./, line 197
User page callbacks for the Search pages module.


function search_api_page_query_has_facets(SearchApiQueryInterface $query) {

  // Check that the search server supports facets.
  $index = $query
  if (module_exists('facetapi') && $index
    ->supportsFeature('search_api_facets')) {

    // Load the search index's adapter plugin and process the facets.
    $adapter = facetapi_adapter_load('search_api@' . $index->machine_name);

    // Check if there are any active facets and return a boolean accordingly.
    return (bool) $adapter

  // If the search server doesn't support facets, there aren't any facet filters
  // set by definition.
  return FALSE;