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function search_api_page_search_api_page_page_manager_tasks in Search API Pages 7

Implements a specialized version of hook_page_manager_task_tasks().

See api-task.html for more information.


plugins/tasks/, line 17
Handles the 'search api page' override task.


function search_api_page_search_api_page_page_manager_tasks() {
  return array(
    // This is a 'page' task and will fall under the page admin UI
    'task type' => 'page',
    'title' => t('Search API Page'),
    // There are multiple search pages, let's override each of them
    // separately.
    'subtasks' => TRUE,
    'subtask callback' => 'search_api_page_search_api_page_subtask',
    'subtasks callback' => 'search_api_page_search_api_page_subtasks',
    // Menu hooks so that we can alter the node/%node menu entry to point to us.
    'hook menu alter' => 'search_api_page_search_api_page_menu_alter',
    // This is task uses 'context' handlers and must implement these to give the
    // handler data it needs.
    'handler type' => 'context',
    'get arguments' => 'search_api_page_search_api_page_get_arguments',
    'get context placeholders' => 'search_api_page_search_api_page_get_contexts',
    'access callback' => 'search_api_page_search_api_page_access_check',