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function search_api_page_search_api_page_menu_alter in Search API Pages 7

Alters available menu items based on a defined task.

Used as a "hook menu alter" callback in search_api_page_search_api_page_page_manager_tasks().

1 string reference to 'search_api_page_search_api_page_menu_alter'
search_api_page_search_api_page_page_manager_tasks in plugins/tasks/
Implements a specialized version of hook_page_manager_task_tasks().


plugins/tasks/, line 47
Handles the 'search api page' override task.


function search_api_page_search_api_page_menu_alter(&$items, $task) {

  // Go through each search page.
  foreach (search_api_page_load_multiple(FALSE) as $page => $info) {
    if (variable_get('search_api_page_search_api_page_disabled_' . $info->machine_name, TRUE)) {
    $path = $info->path;

    // If the page was deleted in the meantime, the menu entry might not exist
    // anymore.
    if (empty($items[$path]['page callback'])) {
    $callback = $items[$path]['page callback'];
    if ($callback == 'search_api_page_view' || variable_get('page_manager_override_anyway', FALSE)) {
      $items["{$path}"]['page callback'] = 'search_api_page_search_api_page_page';
      $items["{$path}"]['file path'] = $task['path'];
      $items["{$path}"]['file'] = $task['file'];
    else {

      // Automatically disable this task if it cannot be enabled.
      variable_set('search_api_page_search_api_page_disabled_' . $page, TRUE);
      if (!empty($GLOBALS['search_api_page_enabling_search_api_page'])) {
        drupal_set_message(t('Page manager module is unable to enable @path because some other module already has overridden with %callback.', array(
          '%callback' => $callback,
          '@path' => $path,
        )), 'error');