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class SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController in Search API Grouping 7.2

Data source for all entities known to the Entity API.


Expanded class hierarchy of SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController

1 string reference to 'SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController'
search_api_grouping_search_api_item_type_info in ./search_api_grouping.module
Implements hook_search_api_item_type_info().


includes/, line 10
Contains the SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController class.

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class SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController extends SearchApiEntityDataSourceController {

   * The table used for tracking items. Set to NULL on subclasses to disable
   * the default tracking for an item type, or change the property to use a
   * different table for tracking.
   * @var string
  protected $table = 'search_api_denormalized_entity';

   * Return information on the ID field for this controller's type.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array containing the following keys:
   *   - key: The property key for the ID field, as used in the item wrapper.
   *   - type: The type of the ID field. Has to be one of the types from
   *     search_api_field_types(). List types ("list<*>") are not allowed.
  public function getIdFieldInfo() {
    return array(
      'key' => 'search_api_denormalized_entity_id',
      'type' => 'integer',

   * Get information on how many items have been indexed for a certain index.
   * @param SearchApiIndex $index
   *   The index whose index status should be returned.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array containing two keys (in this order):
   *   - indexed: The number of items already indexed in their latest version.
   *   - total: The total number of items that have to be indexed for this
   *     index.
  public function getIndexStatus(SearchApiIndex $index) {
    $indexed = db_select($this->table, 'i')
      ->condition($this->indexIdColumn, $index->id)
      ->condition($this->changedColumn, 0)

    // Don't count permutations marked for deletion.
    $total = db_select($this->table, 'i')
      ->condition($this->indexIdColumn, $index->id)
      ->condition($this->changedColumn, 0, '>=')
    return array(
      'indexed' => $indexed,
      'total' => $total,

   * Load items of the type of this data source controller.
   * @param array $ids
   *   The IDs of the items to load.
   * @return array
   *   The loaded items, keyed by ID.
  public function loadItems(array $ids) {

    // Fetch mapped entity ids.
    $entity_ids = db_select($this->table)
      ->fields($this->table, array(
      ->condition($this->itemIdColumn, $ids)
      ->condition('entity_type', $this
    $entities = entity_load($this
      ->getEntityType(), $entity_ids);

    // Assign entities to item ids.
    $items = array();
    foreach ($entity_ids as $item_id => $entity_id) {

      // Ensure inconsistencies don't throw an error.
      if (isset($entities[$entity_id])) {
        $items[$item_id] = $entities[$entity_id];

    // If some items couldn't be loaded, remove them from tracking.
    if (count($items) != count($ids)) {
      $ids = array_flip($ids);
      $unknown = array_keys(array_diff_key($ids, $items));
      if ($unknown) {
        search_api_track_item_delete($this->type, $unknown);
    return $items;

   * Ensures the consistency of the table.
   * It can happen that an entity deletion happens unrecognized which then
   * creates inconsistencies in the tracking table. In the worst case  this
   * can lead to a WSOD e.g. if a non existing entity is loaded.
  public function cleanTable() {
    $count = 0;

    // Fetch all available entity types in the table.
    $entity_types = db_select($this->table)
      ->fields($this->table, array(

    // Now iterate over all entity types and check table for orphaned ids.
    if (!empty($entity_types)) {
      foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type) {
        $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
        $entity_type_primary_key = $entity_info['entity keys']['id'];
        $query = db_select($this->table)
          ->fields($this->table, array(
          ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type);
          ->addJoin('LEFT', $entity_info['base table'], NULL, $entity_type_primary_key . ' = ' . $this->table . '.etid');
        $orphaned_ids = $query

        // Get rid of orphaned ids.
        if (!empty($orphaned_ids)) {
          $count += count($orphaned_ids);
          search_api_track_item_delete($this->type, $orphaned_ids);
    return $count;

   * Initialize tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes.
   * All currently known items of this data source's type should be inserted
   * into the tracking table for the given indexes, with status "changed". If
   * items were already present, these should also be set to "changed" and not
   * be inserted again.
   * @param array $indexes
   *   The SearchApiIndex objects for which item tracking should be initialized.
   * @throws SearchApiDataSourceException
   *   If any of the indexes doesn't use the same item type as this controller.
  public function startTracking(array $indexes) {
    if (!$this->table) {

    // We first clear the tracking table for all indexes, so we can just insert
    // all items again without any key conflicts.
    $entity_type = $this

    // Just insert the entities without the permutations and create the batch
    // to expand every entity.
    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    $result = $query
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type)
    if (!empty($result[$entity_type])) {
      $insert = db_insert($this->table)
      $num_records = 0;
      foreach ($result[$entity_type] as $entity_id => $data) {
        foreach ($indexes as $index) {
          $denormalization_fields = DenormalizedEntityIndexHijack::getDenormalizeProcessorFields($index);
            'index_id' => $index->id,
            $this->itemIdColumn => $entity_type . '-' . $entity_id . str_repeat('-0', count($denormalization_fields)),
            'entity_type' => $entity_type,
            'etid' => $entity_id,
            'changed' => REQUEST_TIME,
            'needs_processing' => 1,

          // Execute in batches to avoid the memory overhead of all of those
          // records in the query object.
          if (++$num_records == 20) {
            $num_records = 0;

    // Create a new queue to generate permutations.
    $queue = DrupalQueue::get('search_api_grouping_generate_permuatations');

    // Is there a better way then re-queueing all indexes??
      'queued' => 0,
      ->condition('queued', 0, '>')

    // Reuse cron function to re-create the queue.

   * Start tracking the index status for the given items on the given indexes.
   * @param array $item_ids
   *   The IDs of new items to track.
   * @param array $indexes
   *   The indexes for which items should be tracked.
   * @throws SearchApiDataSourceException
   *   If any of the indexes doesn't use the same item type as this controller.
  public function trackItemInsert(array $item_ids, array $indexes) {
      ->trackItemChange($item_ids, $indexes);

   * Set the tracking status of the given items to "changed"/"dirty".
   * Unless $dequeue is set to TRUE, this operation is ignored for items whose
   * status is not "indexed".
   * @param array $item_ids
   *   Either an array with the IDs (entity id or denormalized item id) of the
   *   changed items. Or FALSE to mark all items as changed for the given
   *   indexes.
   * @param array $indexes
   *   The indexes for which the change should be tracked.
   * @param bool $dequeue
   *   If set to TRUE, also change the status of queued items.
   * @throws SearchApiDataSourceException
   *   If any of the indexes doesn't use the same item type as this controller.
  public function trackItemChange($item_ids, array $indexes, $dequeue = FALSE) {

    // Marking all items as changed deserves a special handling.
    if ($item_ids === FALSE) {
      return $this
    $entity_type = $this

    // Fetch the entity id's to deal with.
    if (!empty($item_ids)) {

      // Ensures the given $item_ids are entity ids.
      foreach ($item_ids as $item_id) {
        if (stristr($item_id, SEARCH_API_GROUPING_ENTITY_FIELD_SEPERATOR) !== FALSE) {
          $parts = explode(SEARCH_API_GROUPING_ENTITY_FIELD_SEPERATOR, $item_id);
          $entity_ids[$parts[1]] = $parts[1];
        else {

          // As mixed array are silly - if the id isn't a denormalized one skip
          // the whole processing.
          $entity_ids = drupal_map_assoc($item_ids);

      // Load entities to deal with.
      $entities = entity_load($entity_type, $entity_ids);
    else {

      // Load all entities.
      $entities = entity_load($entity_type, FALSE);
      $entity_ids = drupal_map_assoc(array_keys($entities));
    foreach ($indexes as $index) {

      // Creates the permutations for this entity an registers each permutation
      // as item in the table.
        ->createPermutationItems($index, $entity_type, $entities);

      // Change only if all items or defined set of items can be adjusted.
      // This checks prevents db errors in cases where a specific set was
      // requested but the set wasn't available.
      if (empty($item_ids) || !empty($entity_ids)) {

        // @TODO Check if db_merge() can be used.
        // Update existing entries.
        $update = db_update($this->table)
          $this->changedColumn => REQUEST_TIME,
          ->condition($this->indexIdColumn, $index->id)
          ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
          ->condition($this->changedColumn, 0, $dequeue ? '<=' : '=');
        if (!empty($item_ids)) {
            ->condition('etid', $entity_ids, 'IN');
        $affected_rows = $update

   * Generates the permutation items for the given index.
   * This part split's the given entity_ids into the related denormalized
   * ids and adds them to the tracking table. It also marks deprecated
   * denormalized ids as obsolete in the tracking table. These entries will
   * be removed from index during the next indexing.
   * @param SearchApiIndex $index
   *   The index to deal with.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type to handle.
   * @param array $entities
   *   Array with the entities to process. Keyed by the entity id.
  public function createPermutationItems(SearchApiIndex $index, $entity_type, array $entities) {
    $denormalization_fields = DenormalizedEntityIndexHijack::getDenormalizeProcessorFields($index);
    $denomalized_item_ids = array();
    $item_ids_entity_id_mapping = array();
    foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $entity) {
      $ids = search_api_grouping_generate_pseudo_keys($entity, $entity_type, $denormalization_fields);

      // Avoid errors if there aren't any id's ready yet.
      if (!empty($ids)) {
        $item_ids_entity_id_mapping += array_combine($ids, array_fill(0, count($ids), $entity_id));
        $denomalized_item_ids = array_merge($denomalized_item_ids, $ids);
    if (!empty($denomalized_item_ids)) {

      // Mark obsolete permutations.
      $obsolete = db_update($this->table)
        $this->changedColumn => -2,
        ->condition($this->indexIdColumn, $index->id)
        ->condition($this->itemIdColumn, $denomalized_item_ids, 'NOT IN')
        ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
        ->condition('etid', array_keys($entities), 'IN')

      // Ensure new permutations are inserted.
      $existing_keys = db_select($this->table)
        ->fields($this->table, array(
        ->condition($this->indexIdColumn, $index->id)
        ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
        ->condition($this->itemIdColumn, $denomalized_item_ids, 'IN')
        ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
      $missing_keys = $denomalized_item_ids;
      if ($existing_keys) {
        $missing_keys = array_diff($denomalized_item_ids, $existing_keys);
      if (!empty($missing_keys)) {
        $insert = db_insert($this->table)
        $num_records = 0;
        foreach ($missing_keys as $missing_key) {

          // Execute in batches to avoid the memory overhead of all of those
          // records in the query object.
          if (++$num_records == 20) {
            $num_records = 0;
    if (!empty($entities)) {

      // Mark all processed items as processed.
        'queued' => 0,
        'needs_processing' => 0,
        ->condition($this->indexIdColumn, $index->id)
        ->condition('etid', array_keys($entities))
        ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type)
        ->condition('queued', 0, '>')
        ->condition('needs_processing', 0, '>'))

   * Get the unique ID of an item.
   * @param object $item
   *   An item of this controller's type.
   * @return string|NULL
   *   Either the unique ID of the item, or NULL if none is available.
  public function getItemId($item) {
    return $item->item_id ? $item->item_id : NULL;

   * Get a metadata wrapper for the item type of this data source controller.
   * @param mixed $item
   *   Unless NULL, an item of the item type for this controller to be wrapped.
   * @param array $info
   *   Optionally, additional information that should be used for creating the
   *   wrapper. Uses the same format as entity_metadata_wrapper().
   * @return EntityMetadataWrapper
   *   A wrapper for the item type of this data source controller, according to
   *   the info array, and optionally loaded with the given data.
   * @see entity_metadata_wrapper()
  public function getMetadataWrapper($item = NULL, array $info = array()) {

    // If the item isn't the object and a denormalized id is provided extract
    // the entity id to load and wrap the entity.
    if (!is_object($item) && is_scalar($item)) {
      $parts = explode(SEARCH_API_GROUPING_ENTITY_FIELD_SEPERATOR, $item);
      $item = $parts[1];
    return entity_metadata_wrapper($this->entityType, $item, $info);

   * Get a human-readable label for an item.
   * @param object $item
   *   An item of this controller's type.
   * @return string|NULL
   *   Either a human-readable label for the item, or NULL if none is available.
  public function getItemLabel($item) {
    $label = entity_label($this
      ->getEntityType(), $item);
    return $label ? $label : NULL;

   * Removes obsolete permutations from the search index.
   * @param array $items
   *   The items prepared for indexing. Has to be adjusted.
   * @param SearchApiIndex $index
   *   The search index to clear obsolete entries from.
  public function removeObsoletePermutationsFromIndex(array &$items, SearchApiIndex $index) {
    $obsolete_items = db_select($this->table)
      ->fields($this->table, array(
      ->condition($this->indexIdColumn, $index->id)
      ->condition($this->changedColumn, -2)
      ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
    if ($obsolete_items) {
      $items = array_diff_key($items, array_flip($obsolete_items));
      search_api_track_item_delete($this->type, $obsolete_items);

   * Queues the generation of the permutations.
  public function queuePermutationGeneration() {

    // Remove queued timestamp after 6 hours assuming the update has failed.
    // So the queue item will created again.
      'queued' => 0,
      ->condition('queued', REQUEST_TIME - 3600 * 6, '<')
      ->condition('entity_type', $this

    // Now fetch all items marked with needs processing grouped by entity.
    $result = db_select($this->table)
      ->fields($this->table, array())
      ->condition('needs_processing', 1)
      ->condition('queued', 0)
      ->condition('entity_type', $this
    $queue = DrupalQueue::get('search_api_grouping_generate_permuatations');
    $queue_item = array();
    foreach ($result as $item) {
      $queue_item[$item->etid] = $item;

      // Store a bunch of items per queue item.
      if (count($queue_item) == 15) {
        if ($queue
          ->createItem($queue_item)) {

          // Add timestamp to avoid queueing item more than once.
            'queued' => REQUEST_TIME,
            ->condition('etid', array_keys($queue_item))
            ->condition('entity_type', $this
          $queue_item = array();

    // Store the last collection.
    if (!empty($queue_item)) {
      if ($queue
        ->createItem($queue_item)) {

        // Add timestamp to avoid queueing item more than once.
          'queued' => REQUEST_TIME,
          ->condition('etid', array_keys($queue_item))
          ->condition('entity_type', $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$changedColumn protected property When using the default tracking mechanism: the name of the column on $this->table containing the indexing status.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$entityType protected property The entity type for this controller instance.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$indexIdColumn protected property When using the default tracking mechanism: the name of the column on $this->table containing the index ID.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$info protected property The info array for the item type, as specified via hook_search_api_item_type_info().
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$itemIdColumn protected property When using the default tracking mechanism: the name of the column on $this->table containing the item ID.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$type protected property The item type for this controller instance.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::checkIndex protected function Checks whether the given index is valid for this datasource controller.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::configurationFormValidate public function Validation callback for the form returned by configurationForm(). Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::configurationFormValidate
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getAllItemIds protected function Returns the IDs of all items that are known for this controller's type.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getChangedItems public function Retrieves a list of items that need to be indexed. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::getChangedItems 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getEntityType public function Retrieves the entity type of items from this datasource. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::getEntityType
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getPropertyInfo protected function Retrieves the property info for this item type. 2
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::stopTracking public function Stops tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::stopTracking 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemDelete public function Stops tracking the index status for the given items on the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemDelete 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemIndexed public function Sets the tracking status of the given items to "indexed". Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemIndexed 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemQueued public function Sets the tracking status of the given items to "queued". Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemQueued
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::$table protected property The table used for tracking items. Set to NULL on subclasses to disable the default tracking for an item type, or change the property to use a different table for tracking. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$table
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::cleanTable public function Ensures the consistency of the table.
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::createPermutationItems public function Generates the permutation items for the given index.
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::getIdFieldInfo public function Return information on the ID field for this controller's type. Overrides SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getIdFieldInfo
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::getIndexStatus public function Get information on how many items have been indexed for a certain index. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getIndexStatus
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::getItemId public function Get the unique ID of an item. Overrides SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getItemId
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::getItemLabel public function Get a human-readable label for an item. Overrides SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getItemLabel
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::getMetadataWrapper public function Get a metadata wrapper for the item type of this data source controller. Overrides SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getMetadataWrapper
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::loadItems public function Load items of the type of this data source controller. Overrides SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::loadItems
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::queuePermutationGeneration public function Queues the generation of the permutations.
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::removeObsoletePermutationsFromIndex public function Removes obsolete permutations from the search index.
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::startTracking public function Initialize tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::startTracking
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::trackItemChange public function Set the tracking status of the given items to "changed"/"dirty". Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemChange
SearchApiDenormalizedEntityDataSourceController::trackItemInsert public function Start tracking the index status for the given items on the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::trackItemInsert
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$bundleKey protected property The bundle key of this entity type, if any.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$bundles protected property Cached return values for getBundles(), keyed by index machine name.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$entityInfo protected property Entity type info for this type.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$idKey protected property The ID key of this entity type, if any.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::configurationForm public function Form constructor for configuring the datasource for a given index. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::configurationForm
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::configurationFormSubmit public function Submit callback for the form returned by configurationForm(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::configurationFormSubmit
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getAvailableBundles protected function Retrieves the available bundles for this entity type.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getConfigurationSummary public function Returns a summary of an index's current datasource configuration. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getConfigurationSummary
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getIndexBundles protected function Computes the bundles that should be indexed for an index.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getItemUrl public function Retrieves a URL at which the item can be viewed on the web. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getItemUrl
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::startTrackingFallback protected function Initializes tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::__construct public function Constructs an SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface object. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::__construct