function template_preprocess_search_api_index in Search API 8
Prepares variables for search_api_index templates.
Default template: search-api-index.html.twig.
array &$variables: An associative array containing:
- index: The search index to display.
- ./, line 273 - Defines theme functions for the Search API module.
function template_preprocess_search_api_index(array &$variables) {
// Get the index.
/** @var \Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface $index */
$index = $variables['index'];
$server = $index
->hasValidServer() ? $index
->getServerInstance() : NULL;
$tracker = $index
->hasValidTracker() ? $index
->getTrackerInstance() : NULL;
if ($description = $index
->getDescription()) {
// Sanitize the description and append to the output.
$variables['description'] = $description;
// Initialize the $rows variable which will hold the different parts of server
// information.
$rows = [];
// Create a row template with references so we don't have to deal with the
// complicated structure for each individual row.
$row = [
'data' => [
'header' => TRUE,
'class' => [],
// Get the individual parts of the row by reference.
$label =& $row['data'][0]['data'];
$info =& $row['data'][1];
$classes =& $row['class'];
// Check if the index is enabled.
if ($index
->status()) {
try {
$variables['server_count'] = $index
->range(0, 0)
} catch (SearchApiException $e) {
$variables['server_count_error'] = $e
$classes[] = 'ok';
$info = t('enabled (<a href=":url">disable</a>)', [
':url' => $index
elseif ($server && $server
->status()) {
$classes[] = 'warning';
$info = t('disabled (<a href=":url">enable</a>)', [
':url' => $index
else {
$classes[] = 'warning';
$info = t('disabled');
// Append the row and reset variables.
$label = t('Status');
$classes[] = 'search-api-index-summary--status';
$rows[] = Utility::deepCopy($row);
$classes = [];
foreach ($index
->getDatasourceIds() as $datasource_id) {
// Check if the datasource is valid.
if ($index
->isValidDatasource($datasource_id)) {
$info = $index
if ($tracker) {
$args = [
'@indexed' => $tracker
'@total' => $tracker
$indexed = t('@indexed/@total indexed', $args);
$args = [
'@datasource' => $info,
'@indexed' => $indexed,
$info = new FormattableMarkup('@datasource <small>(@indexed)</small>', $args);
else {
$classes[] = 'error';
$info = t('Invalid or missing datasource plugin: %datasource_id', [
'%datasource_id' => $datasource_id,
// Append the row and reset variables.
$label = t('Datasource');
$classes[] = 'search-api-index-summary--datasource';
$rows[] = Utility::deepCopy($row);
$classes = [];
// Check if the tracker is valid.
if ($tracker) {
$info = $tracker
else {
$classes[] = 'error';
$info = t('Invalid or missing tracker plugin: %tracker_id', [
'%tracker_id' => $index
// Append the row and reset variables.
$label = t('Tracker');
$classes[] = 'search-api-index-summary--tracker';
$rows[] = Utility::deepCopy($row);
$classes = [];
// Check if a server is available.
$classes[] = 'search-api-index-summary--server';
if ($server) {
$label = t('Server');
$info = $server
->toLink(NULL, 'canonical')
$rows[] = Utility::deepCopy($row);
elseif ($index
->getServerId()) {
$classes[] = 'error';
$label = t('Server');
$info = t('Unknown server set for index: %server_id', [
'%server_id' => $index
$rows[] = Utility::deepCopy($row);
$classes = [];
// Check if the index is enabled.
if ($index
->status()) {
$label = t('Server index status');
if (isset($variables['server_count'])) {
$vars = [
':url' => Url::fromUri('')
// Build the server index status info.
$info = \Drupal::translation()
->formatPlural($variables['server_count'], 'There is 1 item indexed on the server for this index. (<a href=":url">More information</a>)', 'There are @count items indexed on the server for this index. (<a href=":url">More information</a>)', $vars);
else {
$args = [
'@message' => $variables['server_count_error'],
$info = t('Error while checking server index status: @message', $args);
$classes[] = 'error';
$classes[] = 'search-api-index-summary--server-index-status';
$rows[] = Utility::deepCopy($row);
$classes = [];
$cron_limit = $index
->getOption('cron_limit', \Drupal::config('search_api.settings')
// Check if the cron limit is higher than zero.
if ($cron_limit != 0) {
$classes[] = 'ok';
if ($cron_limit > 0) {
$info = \Drupal::translation()
->formatPlural($cron_limit, 'During cron runs, 1 item will be indexed per batch.', 'During cron runs, @count items will be indexed per batch.');
else {
$info = t('All items will be indexed at once during cron runs.');
else {
$classes[] = 'warning';
$info = t('No items will be indexed during cron runs.');
// Append the row and reset variables.
$label = t('Cron batch size');
$classes[] = 'search-api-index-summary--cron-batch-size';
$rows[] = Utility::deepCopy($row);
$classes = [];
// Add the indexing progress bar.
if ($tracker) {
$indexed_count = $tracker
$total_count = $tracker
$variables['index_progress'] = [
'#theme' => 'progress_bar',
'#percent' => $total_count ? (int) (100 * $indexed_count / $total_count) : 100,
'#message' => t('@indexed/@total indexed', [
'@indexed' => $indexed_count,
'@total' => $total_count,
// Append the index info table to the output.
$variables['table'] = [
'#theme' => 'table',
'#rows' => $rows,
'#attributes' => [
'class' => [