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function search_api_server_tasks_count in Search API 7

Return the number of pending tasks.


SearchApiServer|null $server: (optional) The server for which tasks should be counted, or NULL to count for all enabled servers.

Return value

int The number of pending tasks for the server, or in total.

4 calls to search_api_server_tasks_count()
search_api_access_execute_tasks_batch in ./search_api.module
Access callback: Checks whether a user can execute pending tasks.
search_api_execute_pending_tasks_batch in ./search_api.module
Executes pending server tasks as part of a batch operation.
search_api_requirements in ./search_api.install
Implements hook_requirements().
search_api_server_status_form in ./
Form constructor for server operations.


./search_api.module, line 1584
Provides a flexible framework for implementing search services.


function search_api_server_tasks_count(SearchApiServer $server = NULL) {
  $query = db_select('search_api_task', 't')
  if ($server) {
      ->condition('server_id', $server->machine_name);
  else {
      ->join('search_api_server', 's', 's.machine_name = t.server_id');
      ->condition('s.enabled', 1);
  return $query