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function search_api_default_field_types in Search API 7

Returns the default field types recognized by the Search API framework.

Return value

array An associative array with the default types as keys, mapped to their translated display names.

5 calls to search_api_default_field_types()
SearchApiIndex::getFields in includes/
Returns a list of all known fields for this index.
search_api_admin_index_fields_submit in ./
Form submission handler for search_api_admin_index_fields().
search_api_field_types in ./search_api.module
Returns all field types recognized by the Search API framework.
search_api_get_data_type_info in ./search_api.module
Returns either all custom field type definitions, or a specific one.
_search_api_admin_get_fields in ./
Helper function for building the field list for an index.


./search_api.module, line 1969
Provides a flexible framework for implementing search services.


function search_api_default_field_types() {
  return array(
    'text' => t('Fulltext'),
    'string' => t('String'),
    'integer' => t('Integer'),
    'decimal' => t('Decimal'),
    'date' => t('Date'),
    'duration' => t('Duration'),
    'boolean' => t('Boolean'),
    'uri' => t('URI'),