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14 calls to search_api_is_list_type() in Search API 7

SearchApiAlterAddHierarchy::extractHierarchy in includes/
Extracts a hierarchy from a metadata wrapper by modifying $values.
SearchApiAlterAddHierarchy::getHierarchicalFields in includes/
Finds all hierarchical fields for the current index.
SearchApiAlterAddHierarchy::propertyInfo in includes/
Implements SearchApiAlterCallbackInterface::propertyInfo().
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getIdFieldInfo in includes/
Returns information on the ID field for this controller's type.
SearchApiFacetapiDate::execute in contrib/search_api_facetapi/plugins/facetapi/
Adds the filter to the query object.
SearchApiQuery::sort in includes/
Adds a sort directive to this search query.
search_api_admin_index_fields in ./
Form constructor for setting the indexed fields.
search_api_admin_index_workflow_submit in ./
Form submission handler for search_api_admin_index_workflow().
search_api_extract_fields in ./search_api.module
Extracts specific field values from an EntityMetadataWrapper object.
search_api_extract_inner_type in ./search_api.module
Utility function for extracting the contained primitive type of a list type.
search_api_list_nesting_level in ./search_api.module
Utility function for determining the nesting level of a list type.
search_api_nest_type in ./search_api.module
Utility function for nesting a type to the same level as another type. I.e., after <code>$t = search_api_nest_type($type, $nested_type);</code> is executed, the following statements will always be true:
_search_api_facetapi_facet_create_label in contrib/search_api_facetapi/search_api_facetapi.module
Creates a human-readable label for single facet filter values.
_search_api_views_add_handlers in contrib/search_api_views/
Adds handler definitions for a field to a Views data table definition.