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public property SearchApiIndex::$options in Search API 7

An array of options for configuring this index. The layout is as follows (with all keys being optional):

  • cron_limit: The maximum number of items to be indexed per cron batch.
  • index_directly: Boolean setting whether entities are indexed immediately after they are created or updated.
  • fields: An array of all indexed fields for this index. Keys are the field identifiers, the values are arrays for specifying the field settings. The structure of those arrays looks like this:

    • type: The type set for this field. One of the types returned by search_api_default_field_types().
    • real_type: (optional) If a custom data type was selected for this field, this type will be stored here, and "type" contain the fallback default data type.
    • boost: (optional) A boost value for terms found in this field during searches. Usually only relevant for fulltext fields. Defaults to 1.0.
    • entity_type (optional): If set, the type of this field is really an entity. The "type" key will then just contain the primitive data type of the ID field, meaning that servers will ignore this and merely index the entity's ID. Components displaying this field, though, are advised to use the entity label instead of the ID.
  • additional fields: An associative array with keys and values being the field identifiers of related entities whose fields should be displayed.
  • data_alter_callbacks: An array of all data alterations available. Keys are the alteration identifiers, the values are arrays containing the settings for that data alteration. The inner structure looks like this:

    • status: Boolean indicating whether the data alteration is enabled.
    • weight: Used for sorting the data alterations.
    • settings: Alteration-specific settings, configured via the alteration's configuration form.
  • processors: An array of all processors available for the index. The keys are the processor identifiers, the values are arrays containing the settings for that processor. The inner structure looks like this:

    • status: Boolean indicating whether the processor is enabled.
    • weight: Used for sorting the processors.
    • settings: Processor-specific settings, configured via the processor's configuration form.
  • datasource: Datasource-specific settings, configured via the datasource's configuration form.

Type: array


includes/, line 159
Contains SearchApiIndex.


Class representing a search index.


public $options = array();