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public function SearchApiIndex::save in Search API 7

Saves this index to the database.

Either creates a new record or updates the existing one with the same ID.

Return value

int|false Failure to save the index will return FALSE. Otherwise, SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED is returned depending on the operation performed. $this->id will be set if a new index was inserted.

Overrides Entity::save

1 call to SearchApiIndex::save()
SearchApiIndex::update in includes/
Helper method for updating entity properties.


includes/, line 253
Contains SearchApiIndex.


Class representing a search index.


public function save() {
  if (empty($this->description)) {
    $this->description = NULL;
  $server = FALSE;
  if (!empty($this->server)) {
    $server = search_api_server_load($this->server);
    if (!$server) {
      $vars['%server'] = $this->server;
      $vars['%index'] = $this->name;
      watchdog('search_api', 'Unknown server %server specified for index %index.', $vars, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
  if (!$server) {
    $this->server = NULL;
    $this->enabled = FALSE;
  if (!empty($this->options['fields'])) {
  return parent::save();