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class scheduler_handler_field_scheduler_countdown in Scheduler 6

Field handler to display a countdown until a scheduled action


Expanded class hierarchy of scheduler_handler_field_scheduler_countdown

1 string reference to 'scheduler_handler_field_scheduler_countdown'
scheduler_views_data in ./
@file Views integration file for Scheduler module.


./, line 10
Implementation of scheduler_handler_scheduler_countdown field handler

View source
class scheduler_handler_field_scheduler_countdown extends views_handler_field {
  const SECOND_SCALE = 1;
  const MINUTE_SCALE = 60;
  const HOUR_SCALE = 3600;
  const DAY_SCALE = 86400;
  const WEEK_SCALE = 604800;
  private $render_params = array(
    'seconds' => array(
      'scale' => self::SECOND_SCALE,
      'singular' => 'second',
      'plural' => 'seconds',
      'abbreviated' => 's',
    'minutes' => array(
      'scale' => self::MINUTE_SCALE,
      'singular' => 'minute',
      'plural' => 'minutes',
      'abbreviated' => 'min',
    'hours' => array(
      'scale' => self::HOUR_SCALE,
      'singular' => 'hour',
      'plural' => 'hours',
      'abbreviated' => 'h',
    'days' => array(
      'scale' => self::DAY_SCALE,
      'singular' => 'day',
      'plural' => 'days',
      'abbreviated' => 'd',
    'weeks' => array(
      'scale' => self::WEEK_SCALE,
      'singular' => 'week',
      'plural' => 'weeks',
      'abbreviated' => 'w',
  function query() {
    $this->node_table = $this->query
      ->ensure_table('node', $this->relationship);
    $time_field = $this->definition['timestamp_field'];
    $this->field_alias = $this->query
      ->add_field(NULL, 'IF(' . $time_field . ' AND ' . $time_field . ' > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ' . $time_field . ' - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), NULL)', $this->table_alias . '_' . $this->field);
  function option_definition() {
    $options = parent::option_definition();
    $options['countdown_display'] = array(
      'default' => 'smart',
    $options['units_display'] = array(
      'default' => 'long',
    return $options;
  function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
    $form['countdown_display'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Display countdown as'),
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#options' => array(
        'smart' => t('Smart mode'),
        'seconds' => t('Seconds'),
        'minutes' => t('Minutes'),
        'hours' => t('Hours'),
        'days' => t('Days'),
        'weeks' => t('Weeks'),
      '#default_value' => $this->options['countdown_display'],
    $form['units_display'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Display time units'),
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#options' => array(
        'long' => t('Long (e.g. 3 days)'),
        'short' => t('Short (e.g. 3d)'),
        'none' => t('No units at all'),
      '#default_value' => $this->options['units_display'],
  function render($values) {
    $countdown_display = $this->options['countdown_display'];
    $value = $values->{$this->field_alias};
    if ($countdown_display == 'smart') {
      if ($value > self::WEEK_SCALE) {
        $countdown_display = 'weeks';
      elseif ($value > self::DAY_SCALE) {
        $countdown_display = 'days';
      elseif ($value > self::HOUR_SCALE) {
        $countdown_display = 'hours';
      elseif ($value > self::MINUTE_SCALE) {
        $countdown_display = 'minutes';
      else {
        $countdown_display = 'seconds';
    $params = $this->render_params[$countdown_display];
    $scaled_value = round($value / $params['scale']);
    switch ($this->options['units_display']) {
      case 'long':
        $rendered_value = format_plural($scaled_value, '1 ' . $params['singular'], '@count ' . $params['plural']);
      case 'short':
        $rendered_value = $scaled_value . $params['abbreviated'];
      case 'none':
        $rendered_value = $scaled_value;
    return $rendered_value;

