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Functions in Scheduler 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
scheduler_admin ./scheduler.module 1
scheduler_admin_validate ./scheduler.module Validate the scheduler admin settings.
scheduler_content_extra_fields ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_content_extra_fields().
scheduler_cron ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_cron(). 1
scheduler_date_api_fields ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_date_api_fields().
scheduler_feeds_node_processor_targets_alter ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_feeds_node_processor_targets_alter(). advertises publish_on and unpublish_on as mappable values to the feeds module
scheduler_form_alter ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
scheduler_help ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_help().
scheduler_install ./scheduler.install Implementation of hook_install().
scheduler_list ./scheduler.module 1
scheduler_list_access_callback ./scheduler.module Return the users access to the scheduler list page. Separate function required because of the two access values to be checked. 1
scheduler_menu ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_menu().
scheduler_nodeapi ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
scheduler_node_type ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_node_type().
scheduler_perm ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_perm().
scheduler_preprocess_node ./scheduler.module Implements hook_preprocess_node(); Makes the publish_on and unpublish_on data available as theme variables.
scheduler_schema ./scheduler.install Implementation of hook_schema().
scheduler_set_target ./scheduler.module Mapping callback for feeds module. 1
scheduler_theme ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_theme().
scheduler_token_list ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_token_list().
scheduler_token_values ./scheduler.module Implementation of hook_token_values().
scheduler_uninstall ./scheduler.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
scheduler_update_2 ./scheduler.install
scheduler_update_3 ./scheduler.install
scheduler_update_6100 ./scheduler.install
scheduler_update_6101 ./scheduler.install
scheduler_views_api ./scheduler.module Implementation of "contrib module views" hook_views_tables()
scheduler_views_data ./ @file Views integration file for Scheduler module.
scheduler_views_handlers ./ Implementation of hook_views_handlers()
theme_scheduler_timecheck ./scheduler.module
_scheduler_get_user_timezone ./scheduler.module Gets the users timezone if configurable timezones are enabled or otherwise the default timezone of the site 1
_scheduler_lightweight_cron ./scheduler.module Return the lightweight cron form to allow a manual run. 1
_scheduler_publish ./scheduler.module Publish scheduled nodes. 1
_scheduler_run_cron ./scheduler.module 2
_scheduler_scheduler_api ./scheduler.module Scheduler API to perform actions when nodes are (un)published 2
_scheduler_scheduler_nid_list ./scheduler.module Gather node IDs for all nodes that need to be $action'ed 2
_scheduler_strptime ./scheduler.module Parse a time/date as UTC time 1
_scheduler_strtotime ./scheduler.module Converts an english time string ('Y-m-d H:i:s') from the users timezone into an unix timestamp 2
_scheduler_timecheck ./scheduler.module 1
_scheduler_unpublish ./scheduler.module Unpublish scheduled nodes. 1
_scheduler_use_date_popup ./scheduler.module Do we use the date_popup for date/time selection? 2

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