scald_image.module in Scald: Media Management made easy 7
Scald Image is a Scald Atom Provider for images.
modules/providers/scald_image/scald_image.moduleView source
* @file
* Scald Image is a Scald Atom Provider for images.
* Implements hook_scald_atom_providers().
function scald_image_scald_atom_providers() {
return array(
'image' => 'Image upload',
// This code will never be hit, but is necessary to mark the string
// for translation on localize.d.o
t('Image upload');
* Implements hook_scald_wysiwyg_context_list_alter().
function scald_image_scald_wysiwyg_context_list_alter(&$contexts) {
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'scald_image') . '/scald_image.js');
* Implements hook_scald_add_form().
function scald_image_scald_add_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
$defaults = scald_atom_defaults('image');
$defaults->description = ScaldAtomController::getFieldDescription('image');
$defaults->upload_validators = ScaldAtomController::getFieldUploadValidators('image');
$type = scald_type_load('image');
$form['file'] = array(
'#type' => $defaults->upload_type,
'#title' => check_plain(scald_type_property_translate($type)),
'#upload_location' => ScaldAtomController::getThumbnailPath('image'),
'#upload_validators' => $defaults->upload_validators,
if ($defaults->upload_type === 'managed_file') {
$form['file']['#description'] = theme('file_upload_help', array(
'description' => $defaults->description,
'upload_validators' => $defaults->upload_validators,
if ($defaults->upload_type == 'plupload') {
$form['scald_authors'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => NULL,
'#maxlength' => 100,
'#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/scald_authors',
'#required' => FALSE,
'#title' => t('Authors'),
'#description' => t('Preset value for %field_name field. If left empty, the default field value will be used.', array(
'%field_name' => t('Authors'),
$form['scald_tags'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => NULL,
'#maxlength' => 100,
'#autocomplete_path' => 'taxonomy/autocomplete/scald_tags',
'#required' => FALSE,
'#title' => t('Tags'),
'#description' => t('Preset value for %field_name field. If left empty, the default field value will be used.', array(
'%field_name' => t('Tags'),
* Implements hook_scald_add_atom_count().
function scald_image_scald_add_atom_count(&$form, &$form_state) {
if (is_array($form_state['values']['file'])) {
return max(count($form_state['values']['file']), 1);
return 1;
* Implements hook_scald_add_form_fill().
function scald_image_scald_add_form_fill(&$atoms, $form, $form_state) {
foreach ($atoms as $delta => $atom) {
if (is_array($form_state['values']['file']) && module_exists('plupload')) {
module_load_include('inc', 'scald', 'includes/scald.plupload');
$destination = $form['file']['#upload_location'] . '/' . $form_state['values']['file'][$delta]['name'];
$file = scald_plupload_save_file($form_state['values']['file'][$delta]['tmppath'], $destination);
else {
$file = file_load($form_state['values']['file']);
$atom->title = $file->filename;
$atom->base_id = $file->fid;
$variable_names = array(
'scald_authors' => 'scald_author_vocabulary',
'scald_tags' => 'scald_tags_vocabulary',
// Hacky, because variable and field name do not really match.
foreach ($variable_names as $field_name => $variable_name) {
$langcode = field_language('scald_atom', $atom, $field_name);
if (empty($form_state['values'][$field_name])) {
// Borrowed from taxonomy_autocomplete_validate().
$typed_terms = drupal_explode_tags($form_state['values'][$field_name]);
$vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load(variable_get($variable_name, $field_name));
foreach ($typed_terms as $typed_term) {
if ($possibilities = taxonomy_term_load_multiple(array(), array(
'name' => trim($typed_term),
'vid' => $vocabulary->vid,
))) {
$term = array_pop($possibilities);
else {
$term = (object) array(
'vid' => $vocabulary->vid,
'name' => $typed_term,
'vocabulary_machine_name' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
$atom->{$field_name}[$langcode][] = array(
'tid' => $term->tid,
$langcode = field_language('scald_atom', $atom, 'scald_thumbnail');
$atom->scald_thumbnail[$langcode][0] = (array) $file;
* Implements hook_scald_transcoders().
function scald_image_scald_transcoders() {
$transcoders = array();
foreach (image_styles() as $name => $style) {
$label = isset($style['label']) ? $style['label'] : $style['name'];
$transcoders['style-' . $name] = array(
'title' => t('@style (Image style)', array(
'@style' => $label,
'description' => t('Use the Image style @style to prepare the image', array(
'@style' => $label,
'formats' => array(
'image' => 'passthrough',
if (module_exists('picture')) {
foreach (picture_mapping_load_all() as $name => $style) {
$transcoders['group-' . $name] = array(
'title' => t('@group (Picture group)', array(
'@group' => $name,
'description' => t('Use the Picture group @group to prepare the image', array(
'@group' => $name,
'formats' => array(
'image' => 'passthrough',
return $transcoders;
* Implements hook_scald_player().
function scald_image_scald_player() {
return array(
'image_figure' => array(
'name' => 'HTML5 Image player',
'description' => 'The HTML5 player using figure/figcaption for all image atoms.',
'type' => array(
'settings' => array(
'classes' => '',
'caption' => '[atom:title], by [atom:author]',
* Implements hook_scald_player_settings_form().
function scald_image_scald_player_settings_form($form, &$form_state) {
$element = array();
$element['classes'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('CSS classes'),
'#size' => 40,
'#default_value' => $form['#scald']['player_settings']['classes'],
$element['caption'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Text pattern used for caption'),
'#size' => 40,
'#default_value' => $form['#scald']['player_settings']['caption'],
return $element;
* Implements hook_scald_fetch().
function scald_image_scald_fetch($atom, $type) {
if ($type == 'atom') {
$file = file_load($atom->base_id);
$atom->base_entity = $file;
$atom->file_source = $file->uri;
$atom->thumbnail_source = $file->uri;
* Implements hook_scald_prerender().
function scald_image_scald_prerender($atom, $context, $options, $mode) {
$config = scald_context_config_load($context);
// Find out which transcoder is in use, and checks if it's
// one of the transcoder provided by Scald Image.
$style_name = NULL;
if ($transcoder = $config->transcoder[$atom->type]['*']) {
// Image style support.
if (preg_match('/^style-(.*)$/', $transcoder, $match)) {
$style_name = $match[1];
elseif (preg_match('/^group-(.*)$/', $transcoder, $match) && module_exists('picture')) {
$mappings = picture_mapping_load($match[1]);
if ($mode == 'transcoder') {
// Scald Image can only do 1:1 transcoding. For Picture integration, it is
// done in the Atom mode to avoid duplicate code from Picture module.
if (empty($style_name)) {
$preset = image_style_load($style_name);
if (!empty($atom->file_source)) {
$atom->file_transcoded = image_style_path($preset['name'], $atom->file_source);
$atom->rendered->file_transcoded_url = image_style_url($preset['name'], $atom->file_source);
elseif ($mode == 'player') {
$settings = $config->player[$atom->type]['settings'];
$classes = array_merge(array(
), explode(' ', check_plain($settings['classes'])));
$caption = token_replace($settings['caption'], array(
'atom' => $atom,
$atom->rendered->player = '
<figure class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">
' . $atom->rendered->player . '
<figcaption>' . filter_xss_admin($caption) . '</figcaption>
elseif ($mode == 'atom') {
// Default attributes, which can be overridden by field settings.
$attributes = array(
'alt' => $atom->title,
'title' => $atom->title,
$langcode = field_language('scald_atom', $atom, 'scald_thumbnail');
foreach (array(
) as $attribute_name) {
if (isset($atom->scald_thumbnail[$langcode][0][$attribute_name]) && $atom->scald_thumbnail[$langcode][0][$attribute_name]) {
$attributes[$attribute_name] = $atom->scald_thumbnail[$langcode][0][$attribute_name];
if (!empty($style_name)) {
$atom->rendered->player = theme('image_style', array(
'path' => $atom->file_source,
'style_name' => $style_name,
) + $attributes);
elseif (isset($mappings)) {
foreach ($mappings->mapping as $breakpoint_name => $multipliers) {
if (!empty($multipliers)) {
foreach ($multipliers as $multiplier => $image_style) {
if (!$image_style) {
// $image_style is machine name in Picture 1.x and an array in
// Picture 2.x.
if (is_array($image_style) && $image_style['mapping_type'] === '_none') {
$fallback_image_style = is_array($image_style) ? $image_style['image_style'] : $image_style;
break 2;
// The fallback_image_style is the first image style we find, and so if it
// is empty then we do not have any image style.
if (!empty($fallback_image_style)) {
$atom->rendered->player = theme('picture', array(
'uri' => $atom->file_source,
'style_name' => $fallback_image_style,
'breakpoints' => $mappings->mapping,
) + $attributes);
else {
$path = empty($atom->rendered->file_transcoded_url) ? $atom->file_source : $atom->rendered->file_transcoded_url;
$atom->rendered->player = theme('image', array(
'path' => $path,
) + $attributes);
if (!empty($options['link'])) {
$link_options = array(
'html' => TRUE,
if (!empty($options['linkTarget'])) {
$link_options += array(
'attributes' => array(
'target' => $options['linkTarget'],
$atom->rendered->player = l($atom->rendered->player, urldecode($options['link']), $link_options);
* Implements hook_scald_update_atom().
function scald_image_scald_update_atom($atom, $mode) {
if ($mode == 'atom') {
* Implements hook_scald_register_atom().
function scald_image_scald_register_atom($atom, $mode) {
if ($mode == 'atom') {
* Synchronisation of thumbnail with base_id.
* The thumbnail field is also the base entity. We keep them in synchronisation
* when user update that field.
function _scald_image_sync_thumbnail($atom) {
if (!empty($atom->scald_thumbnail)) {
$items = field_get_items('scald_atom', $atom, 'scald_thumbnail');
$atom->base_id = $items[0]['fid'];
Name![]() |
Description |
scald_image_scald_add_atom_count | Implements hook_scald_add_atom_count(). |
scald_image_scald_add_form | Implements hook_scald_add_form(). |
scald_image_scald_add_form_fill | Implements hook_scald_add_form_fill(). |
scald_image_scald_atom_providers | Implements hook_scald_atom_providers(). |
scald_image_scald_fetch | Implements hook_scald_fetch(). |
scald_image_scald_player | Implements hook_scald_player(). |
scald_image_scald_player_settings_form | Implements hook_scald_player_settings_form(). |
scald_image_scald_prerender | Implements hook_scald_prerender(). |
scald_image_scald_register_atom | Implements hook_scald_register_atom(). |
scald_image_scald_transcoders | Implements hook_scald_transcoders(). |
scald_image_scald_update_atom | Implements hook_scald_update_atom(). |
scald_image_scald_wysiwyg_context_list_alter | Implements hook_scald_wysiwyg_context_list_alter(). |
_scald_image_sync_thumbnail | Synchronisation of thumbnail with base_id. |