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function scald_type_property_translate in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Returns a translated property of a Scald atom type.


object $type: The Scald atom type for which to return a translated property.

string $property: Either 'title' or 'description'. Defaults to 'title'.

string $langcode: Optional language code for the translation. Defaults to the current language.

Return value

string The translated property.

8 calls to scald_type_property_translate()
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scald_atom_add in includes/
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... See full list


./scald.module, line 2306
The Scald Core, which handles all Scald Registries and dispatch.


function scald_type_property_translate($type, $property = 'title', $langcode = NULL) {
  $name = array(
  $string = $type->{$property};
  $options = $langcode ? array(
    'langcode' => $langcode,
  ) : array();
  return scald_string_translate($name, $string, $options);