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public static function ScaldAtomController::getThumbnailPath in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Prepares and returns the default thumbnail path for an atom type.

3 calls to ScaldAtomController::getThumbnailPath()
scald_atom_thumbnail_path in ./scald.module
Prepares and returns the default thumbnail path for an atom type.
scald_audio_scald_add_form_fill in modules/providers/scald_audio/scald_audio.module
Implements hook_scald_add_form_fill().
scald_image_scald_add_form in modules/providers/scald_image/scald_image.module
Implements hook_scald_add_form().


includes/, line 28
This file contains the Scald Atom controller.


Controller class for Scald Atoms.


public static function getThumbnailPath($type) {
  $field = field_info_field('scald_thumbnail');
  $instance = field_info_instance('scald_atom', 'scald_thumbnail', $type);
  if ($field && $instance) {
    $directory = file_field_widget_uri($field, $instance);
    if (file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
      return $directory;
    drupal_set_message(t('The directory "@directory" must be writable by the webserver. Your upload will not be saved. Please contact your server administrator to configure permissions.', array(
      '@directory' => $directory,
    )), 'error', FALSE);