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fr.php in Sassy 7


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/* SVN FILE: $Id: SassRuleNode.php 49 2010-04-04 10:51:24Z chris.l.yates $ */

 * Message translations.
 * This file is contains the localizable messages for Haml. You may modify this
 * file by translating the messages and saving with the filename language.php
 * where "language" is the language ID of the translations.
 * Each array element represents the translation (value) of a message (key).
 * If the value is empty the message is considered as not translated.
 * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
 * @author			Chris Yates <>
 * @copyright 	Copyright (c) 2010 PBM Web Development
 * @license
 * @package			PHamlP
 * @subpackage	Haml.messages
return array(
  'Attribute must be "class" or "id" with array value' => "D'attributs doivent être \"class\" ou \"id\" avec valeur de array",
  'Illegal indentation level ({indentLevel}); indentation level can only increase by one: {file}::{line}' => "Niveau niveau d'indentation illégale ({indentLevel}); ne peut augmenter d'un: {file}::{line}",
  'Invalid indentation: {line}::{file}' => 'Indentation blancs: {line}::{file}',
  'Invalid {what} ({value}): {file}::{line}' => 'Invalide {what} ({value}): {file}::{line}',
  'Invalid {what} ({value}); must be one of "{options}".' => "Invalide {what} ({value}); doit être l'un des \"{options}\"",
  'Mixed indentation not allowed: {file}::{line}' => 'Indentation mixte pas autorisé: {file}::{line}',
  'No getter function for {what}' => 'Pas de fonction getter pour {what}',
  'No setter function for {what}' => 'Pas de fonction setter pour {what}',
  'Unable to find {what}: {filename}.' => 'Impossible de trouver {what}: {filename}.',
  '{what} must extend {base} class.' => "{what} doit s'étendre classe {base}",