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README.txt in Sarnia 7

Sarnia allows a Drupal site to interact with and display external data from
Solr, mainly by building views of data from Solr. This is useful for large
external datasets that either aren't practical to store in Drupal or that are
already indexed in Solr.

Sarnia is also the name of a town in Ontario, Canada, home of the largest
photovoltaic power plant in Canada:

This module was developed by (, and sponsored
by the Field Museum of Natural History (

About this README

This document refers to the Sarnia 1.x development AFTER the v1.0 release.

There is a live version of this documentation on

Some sections of this document refer to images, which are located in the
"README-images" directory in this repository.


Sarnia depends on Search API, Search API Solr, and Search API Views. The full
list of dependencies includes:

* Views -
* CTools -
* Entity API -
* Search API -
* Search API Solr -

Sarnia depends on the latest 1.x releases of Search API and Search API Solr.
The included drush makefile, "sarnia.make.example", may help with downloading
all of the dependencies.

After downloading the required modules, installing Sarnia will enable its
dependencies. Enabling the "Views UI" module (included with Views) is also

Generating a Solr core for testing

In order to use Sarnia, you need a populated Solr core to work with. Sarnia does
not care what sort of data is in the core, as long as the Solr schema specifies
that some fields are stored as well as indexed. You may want to use a separate
Drupal site with the ApacheSolr module and content generated using Devel
Generate (a module that accompanies the Devel module, to populate a Solr core for basic testing. QA
testing against your own data will better reveal any issues that relate to
searching and displaying your particular data set.

For generating sample Solr data, ApacheSolr is preferred over Search API. When
indexing data, Solr can be configured to index data without storing it; Search
API makes the decision to index most data using Solr but to not store it (make
it retrievable from Solr), while ApacheSolr stores all of the data that it
indexes. In short, a Solr core generated using Search API will contain very
little retrievable data, while a core generated using ApacheSolr will allow you
to retrieve all properties from the core--the use case that Sarnia was built to

Configuring Search API

To connect your Solr core to Drupal, create a Search API server configuration.

Visit the Search API configuration section:

  Admin > Configuration > Search and metadata > Search API
  (path: admin/config/search/search_api)

This page lists the configured Search API servers and indexes. Normally, servers
and indexes are independent, but Sarnia's purpose is to use a Search API server
as a data source. Instead of the normal process of creating an index and linking
it up to a server through configuration, we will create a server and then let
Sarnia create and manage the index. (image-1.png)

Search API servers correspond with Solr cores, not Solr servers. If you want to
use multiple Solr cores, you will create multiple "Search API servers", even
though you may have a single multi-core Solr server set up.

Add a Search API server by visiting the "Add server" link. Give the server a
name (image-2.png), then select the "Sarnia Solr service" service class and fill
out your Solr connection information (image-3.png).

Clicking "Create server" will finalize your configuration, and you will be taken
to an overview of your settings (image-4.png). At this point, if you were to
visit the Search API overview page again, you would see your new server listed

Instead of going back to the overview page, visit the "Sarnia" tab (highlighted
in image-4.png). This page allows you to create a new entity type based on your

The "ID field" select box contains a list of all the Solr fields that may be
suitable for use as an entity id (image-6.png). You must choose a field with
unique integer values; however, Sarnia has no way to determine which fields have
unique values, so this choice requires some knowledge of your Solr core. This can
not be changed after creating the entity type. If you are only reading from the
core and not creating data or links based on Sarnia entities, it is not
destructive to delete and re-enable the Sarnia entity for a particular server.
Clicking "Enable" will save your configuration (image-7.png).

When you save your configuration, Sarnia will create a Search API index for you.
You can see this index when you visit the Search API overview page

At this point, your Drupal site is connected to Solr and can retrieve Solr data.

Creating Views of Solr data

Visit the Views UI:

  Admin > Structure > Views
  (path: admin/structure/views)

Create a new View using the "Add new view" link.

In the "Show" section, select the name of the index that Sarnia created; it will
be titled "[your server name] (Sarnia Index)". In the "Create a page" section,
the View's "Display format" will be "Unformatted list", make sure that "Fields"
is selected following the "of" (i.e. Unformatted list of Fields). The form will
refresh (image-10.png), and you can click "Continue & edit".

In the edit page for the view you have just created, if you have not already
selected "Fields", do so now (image-10a.png).

All of the Solr data is available through a single field, named "[your server
name] (Sarnia Index): Data" (image-12.png). At the time that Sarnia was
designed, the Views UI lacked the ability to filter fields, and long lists of
poorly labeled fields are not usable. The Sarnia field bundles all Solr fields
together into a single field with a combobox select element.

Find the "Data" field by clicking "add" in the Fields section and selecting
"[your server name] (Sarnia Index): Data" (image-12.png).

Solr property Views fields have a "Formatter" option (image-13.png). This can be
used to provide basic formatting options for a property. Most text fields will
benefit from using the "Filtered text" formatter with the "Plain text" option
(image-14.png), which will translate plain text line breaks into HTML breaks and
URLs into links.

If you add filters, sorts, or advanced contextual filters (image-15.png)
(formerly known as an "argument"), you will again see "[your server name]
(Sarnia Index): Data" as an option. When you select it, you can choose the Solr
property to filter, sort, or use as context.

You may add multiple instances of the field, filter, sort, or contextual filter,
which will let you combine and arrange your data according to various Solr

Field Formatters for Solr Data

The "Data" field contains all of the data from Solr. Several of the formatters
use data from multiple Solr properties; for example, the "Image" formatter uses
one Solr property for the image source, and another for the alt text.

There are two formatters that depend on external modules:

1. OpenLayers map -- depends on
   This formats two properties, a latitude and a longitude, as a point on an
   OpenLayers map. If these properties have multiple values, then each pair of
   values will be represented as a separate point marker.
2. Multimedia -- depends on
   This formats a property containing a file name, path, or URL as a multimedia
   player. Images are embedded with the <img> tag, video and audio are embedded
   with the HTML5 <video> and <audio> tags and fallback flash players, and other
   files are represented as a file type icon and download link.

Advanced Solr

Often in Solr, the same piece of data will be indexed multiple times for
different purposes; some fields will not be suitable for search or display.
Sarnia provides some "Solr Schema" configuration to manage these behaviors.

Naming conventions for these behaviors are not standard across Solr schemas, and
fields aren't described in a way that is intelligible to Sarnia (ie, nothing in
the schema.xml explicitly declares the relationship between ss_* fields and
sort_* fields, even they are generally different indexes of the same data), so
Sarnia assumes certain conventions when applying schema rules. For example:

* Content is often aggregated into a single 'content' field for use in fulltext
  search, so the 'content' field is not available for display.
* Content is often aggregated and heavily tokenized in the 'spell' field for
  spelling suggestions or corrections, so the 'spell' field is not available for
* The dynamic base 'sort_*' is used for fields that are processed as a single
  token for sorting. There may be a duplicate version of this field for search,
  so 'sort_*' fields are not available for fulltext search.
* Solr fields containing more than one token are not suitable for sorting, since
  they are essentially multi-value. Sorting is disabled on 'content' and 'spell'
* 'sort_*' fields that correspond with 'ss_*' fields are used instead of the
  'ss_*' when sorting; this allows click sorting on display fields in Views.

If you crafted your Solr schema yourself, you may want to check out the "Solr
Schema" tab on your Sarnia Search API server configuration; otherwise, you
probably want to stay far, far away :)

Advanced Entities

In the Search API server configuration for Sarnia servers/entities, you can
"manage fields" on Sarnia entities. It is possible to add fields here, but there
is no corresponding interface for editing field content; saving content has not
been tested, even programmatically. Sarnia's relationship with Solr is
read-only, so even if an editing interface were built out, it would not be
possible to edit data stored in Solr.


View source
  1. Sarnia allows a Drupal site to interact with and display external data from
  2. Solr, mainly by building views of data from Solr. This is useful for large
  3. external datasets that either aren't practical to store in Drupal or that are
  4. already indexed in Solr.
  5. Sarnia is also the name of a town in Ontario, Canada, home of the largest
  6. photovoltaic power plant in Canada:
  8. This module was developed by (, and sponsored
  9. by the Field Museum of Natural History (
  10. -----------------
  11. About this README
  12. -----------------
  13. This document refers to the Sarnia 1.x development AFTER the v1.0 release.
  14. There is a live version of this documentation on
  16. Some sections of this document refer to images, which are located in the
  17. "README-images" directory in this repository.
  18. ------------
  19. Installation
  20. ------------
  21. Sarnia depends on Search API, Search API Solr, and Search API Views. The full
  22. list of dependencies includes:
  23. * Views -
  24. * CTools -
  25. * Entity API -
  26. * Search API -
  27. * Search API Solr -
  28. Sarnia depends on the latest 1.x releases of Search API and Search API Solr.
  29. The included drush makefile, "sarnia.make.example", may help with downloading
  30. all of the dependencies.
  31. After downloading the required modules, installing Sarnia will enable its
  32. dependencies. Enabling the "Views UI" module (included with Views) is also
  33. recommended.
  34. ----------------------------------
  35. Generating a Solr core for testing
  36. ----------------------------------
  37. In order to use Sarnia, you need a populated Solr core to work with. Sarnia does
  38. not care what sort of data is in the core, as long as the Solr schema specifies
  39. that some fields are stored as well as indexed. You may want to use a separate
  40. Drupal site with the ApacheSolr module and content generated using Devel
  41. Generate (a module that accompanies the Devel module,
  42. to populate a Solr core for basic testing. QA
  43. testing against your own data will better reveal any issues that relate to
  44. searching and displaying your particular data set.
  45. For generating sample Solr data, ApacheSolr is preferred over Search API. When
  46. indexing data, Solr can be configured to index data without storing it; Search
  47. API makes the decision to index most data using Solr but to not store it (make
  48. it retrievable from Solr), while ApacheSolr stores all of the data that it
  49. indexes. In short, a Solr core generated using Search API will contain very
  50. little retrievable data, while a core generated using ApacheSolr will allow you
  51. to retrieve all properties from the core--the use case that Sarnia was built to
  52. address.
  53. ----------------------
  54. Configuring Search API
  55. ----------------------
  56. To connect your Solr core to Drupal, create a Search API server configuration.
  57. Visit the Search API configuration section:
  58. Admin > Configuration > Search and metadata > Search API
  59. (path: admin/config/search/search_api)
  60. This page lists the configured Search API servers and indexes. Normally, servers
  61. and indexes are independent, but Sarnia's purpose is to use a Search API server
  62. as a data source. Instead of the normal process of creating an index and linking
  63. it up to a server through configuration, we will create a server and then let
  64. Sarnia create and manage the index. (image-1.png)
  65. Search API servers correspond with Solr cores, not Solr servers. If you want to
  66. use multiple Solr cores, you will create multiple "Search API servers", even
  67. though you may have a single multi-core Solr server set up.
  68. Add a Search API server by visiting the "Add server" link. Give the server a
  69. name (image-2.png), then select the "Sarnia Solr service" service class and fill
  70. out your Solr connection information (image-3.png).
  71. Clicking "Create server" will finalize your configuration, and you will be taken
  72. to an overview of your settings (image-4.png). At this point, if you were to
  73. visit the Search API overview page again, you would see your new server listed
  74. (image-5.png).
  75. Instead of going back to the overview page, visit the "Sarnia" tab (highlighted
  76. in image-4.png). This page allows you to create a new entity type based on your
  77. server.
  78. The "ID field" select box contains a list of all the Solr fields that may be
  79. suitable for use as an entity id (image-6.png). You must choose a field with
  80. unique integer values; however, Sarnia has no way to determine which fields have
  81. unique values, so this choice requires some knowledge of your Solr core. This can
  82. not be changed after creating the entity type. If you are only reading from the
  83. core and not creating data or links based on Sarnia entities, it is not
  84. destructive to delete and re-enable the Sarnia entity for a particular server.
  85. Clicking "Enable" will save your configuration (image-7.png).
  86. When you save your configuration, Sarnia will create a Search API index for you.
  87. You can see this index when you visit the Search API overview page
  88. (image-8.png).
  89. At this point, your Drupal site is connected to Solr and can retrieve Solr data.
  90. ---------------------------
  91. Creating Views of Solr data
  92. ---------------------------
  93. Visit the Views UI:
  94. Admin > Structure > Views
  95. (path: admin/structure/views)
  96. Create a new View using the "Add new view" link.
  97. In the "Show" section, select the name of the index that Sarnia created; it will
  98. be titled "[your server name] (Sarnia Index)". In the "Create a page" section,
  99. the View's "Display format" will be "Unformatted list", make sure that "Fields"
  100. is selected following the "of" (i.e. Unformatted list of Fields). The form will
  101. refresh (image-10.png), and you can click "Continue & edit".
  102. In the edit page for the view you have just created, if you have not already
  103. selected "Fields", do so now (image-10a.png).
  104. All of the Solr data is available through a single field, named "[your server
  105. name] (Sarnia Index): Data" (image-12.png). At the time that Sarnia was
  106. designed, the Views UI lacked the ability to filter fields, and long lists of
  107. poorly labeled fields are not usable. The Sarnia field bundles all Solr fields
  108. together into a single field with a combobox select element.
  109. Find the "Data" field by clicking "add" in the Fields section and selecting
  110. "[your server name] (Sarnia Index): Data" (image-12.png).
  111. Solr property Views fields have a "Formatter" option (image-13.png). This can be
  112. used to provide basic formatting options for a property. Most text fields will
  113. benefit from using the "Filtered text" formatter with the "Plain text" option
  114. (image-14.png), which will translate plain text line breaks into HTML breaks and
  115. URLs into links.
  116. If you add filters, sorts, or advanced contextual filters (image-15.png)
  117. (formerly known as an "argument"), you will again see "[your server name]
  118. (Sarnia Index): Data" as an option. When you select it, you can choose the Solr
  119. property to filter, sort, or use as context.
  120. You may add multiple instances of the field, filter, sort, or contextual filter,
  121. which will let you combine and arrange your data according to various Solr
  122. properties.
  123. ------------------------------
  124. Field Formatters for Solr Data
  125. ------------------------------
  126. The "Data" field contains all of the data from Solr. Several of the formatters
  127. use data from multiple Solr properties; for example, the "Image" formatter uses
  128. one Solr property for the image source, and another for the alt text.
  129. There are two formatters that depend on external modules:
  130. 1. OpenLayers map -- depends on
  131. This formats two properties, a latitude and a longitude, as a point on an
  132. OpenLayers map. If these properties have multiple values, then each pair of
  133. values will be represented as a separate point marker.
  134. 2. Multimedia -- depends on
  135. This formats a property containing a file name, path, or URL as a multimedia
  136. player. Images are embedded with the tag, video and audio are embedded
  137. with the HTML5
  138. files are represented as a file type icon and download link.
  139. -------------
  140. Advanced Solr
  141. -------------
  142. Often in Solr, the same piece of data will be indexed multiple times for
  143. different purposes; some fields will not be suitable for search or display.
  144. Sarnia provides some "Solr Schema" configuration to manage these behaviors.
  145. Naming conventions for these behaviors are not standard across Solr schemas, and
  146. fields aren't described in a way that is intelligible to Sarnia (ie, nothing in
  147. the schema.xml explicitly declares the relationship between ss_* fields and
  148. sort_* fields, even they are generally different indexes of the same data), so
  149. Sarnia assumes certain conventions when applying schema rules. For example:
  150. * Content is often aggregated into a single 'content' field for use in fulltext
  151. search, so the 'content' field is not available for display.
  152. * Content is often aggregated and heavily tokenized in the 'spell' field for
  153. spelling suggestions or corrections, so the 'spell' field is not available for
  154. display.
  155. * The dynamic base 'sort_*' is used for fields that are processed as a single
  156. token for sorting. There may be a duplicate version of this field for search,
  157. so 'sort_*' fields are not available for fulltext search.
  158. * Solr fields containing more than one token are not suitable for sorting, since
  159. they are essentially multi-value. Sorting is disabled on 'content' and 'spell'
  160. fields.
  161. * 'sort_*' fields that correspond with 'ss_*' fields are used instead of the
  162. 'ss_*' when sorting; this allows click sorting on display fields in Views.
  163. If you crafted your Solr schema yourself, you may want to check out the "Solr
  164. Schema" tab on your Sarnia Search API server configuration; otherwise, you
  165. probably want to stay far, far away :)
  166. -----------------
  167. Advanced Entities
  168. -----------------
  169. In the Search API server configuration for Sarnia servers/entities, you can
  170. "manage fields" on Sarnia entities. It is possible to add fields here, but there
  171. is no corresponding interface for editing field content; saving content has not
  172. been tested, even programmatically. Sarnia's relationship with Solr is
  173. read-only, so even if an editing interface were built out, it would not be
  174. possible to edit data stored in Solr.