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function sf_queue_update_6201 in Salesforce Suite 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 sf_queue/sf_queue.install \sf_queue_update_6201()

@todo Please document this function.

See also


sf_queue/sf_queue.install, line 138
Install file for the Salesforce Export Queue module.


function sf_queue_update_6201() {
  $ret = array();
  $schema = drupal_get_schema('salesforce_export_queue');
  if (isset($schema['unique keys']['fieldmap_drupal'])) {
    db_drop_unique_key('salesforce_export_queue', 'fieldmap_drupal');
  if (!isset($schema['indexes']['fieldmap_drupal'])) {
    db_add_index('salesforce_export_queue', 'fieldmap_drupal', array(

  // hook_update_N() no longer returns a $ret array. Instead, return
  // nothing or a translated string indicating the update ran successfully.
  // See
  return t('TODO Add a descriptive string here to show in the UI.');