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function _sf_entity_import_process_entity in Salesforce Suite 7.2

Helper function to populate necessary values after the import data is received, and do matching necessary to prevent duplicate entry errors. Includes a hook to add additional properties to the entity.


object $entity: The entity object, passed by reference so it can be modified by this function.

string $entity_type: The entity type for the entity being created.

string $bundle_name: Name of the bundle for the given entity. (Optional)

Return value


1 call to _sf_entity_import_process_entity()
sf_entity_import in sf_entity/sf_entity.module
Imports data from Salesforce into a Drupal entity


sf_entity/sf_entity.module, line 1204
Integrates fieldable entities with the Salesforce API.


function _sf_entity_import_process_entity(&$entity, $entity_type, $bundle_name = NULL) {
  if ($entity_type == 'user') {

    // Status property must be set.
    if (!property_exists($entity, 'status')) {
      $entity->status = 1;

    // If the created date is still empty, set it to now.
    if (!isset($entity->created) || empty($entity->created)) {
      $entity->created = REQUEST_TIME;

    // If there is no password set, then generate a random password.
    if (!isset($entity->pass) || empty($entity->pass)) {
      $entity->pass = drupal_hash_base64(drupal_random_bytes(55));

    // Look for an existing user if there is a username set.
    // @todo: Instead of using $conditions here, fix sf_prematch.module
    // to use EntityFieldQuery as per #1214100.
    if (isset($entity->name)) {
      $existing_user = entity_load('user', FALSE, array(
        'name' => $entity->name,
    if (is_array($existing_user)) {
      $existing_user = current($existing_user);

    // If there is an existing user, then set the uid for an update, and unset the is_new flag.
    if (isset($existing_user) && is_object($existing_user) && isset($existing_user->uid)) {
      $entity->uid = $existing_user->uid;
      $entity->roles = $existing_user->roles;

  // If language has not yet been set for a node, set it to unknown.
  if ($entity_type == 'node') {
    if (!isset($entity->language) || empty($entity->language)) {
      $entity->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
    if (!isset($entity->created) || empty($entity->created)) {
      $entity->created = REQUEST_TIME;

  // Ensure that all taxonomy terms have an input format set.
  // Use plain_text as the default, since it should always exist.
  if ($entity_type == 'taxonomy_term') {
    if (!isset($entity->format) || empty($entity->format)) {
      $entity->format = 'plain_text';

  // Invoke a hook to process the entity further as needed.
  // We cannot use module_invoke_all() since the entity needs to be passed by reference.
  foreach (module_implements('salesforce_api_process_entity') as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_salesforce_api_process_entity';
    $function($entity, $entity_type, $bundle_name);