function salesforce_api_schema in Salesforce Suite 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.2 salesforce_api/salesforce_api.install \salesforce_api_schema()
- 7.2 salesforce_api/salesforce_api.install \salesforce_api_schema()
Implements hook_schema().
- salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.install, line 36 - Installs any global tables needed for Salesforce integration.
function salesforce_api_schema() {
$schema['salesforce_object_map'] = array(
'description' => 'Drupal to Salesforce object mapping table',
'fields' => array(
'fieldmap' => array(
'description' => 'Fieldmap id',
'type' => 'int',
'unsigned' => TRUE,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'oid' => array(
'description' => 'Specific Drupal object identifier (e.g. node id or comment id)',
'type' => 'int',
'unsigned' => TRUE,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'sfid' => array(
'description' => 'Salesforce object identifier (e.g. "node", "comment")',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 32,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'drupal_entity' => array(
'description' => 'Drupal entity (e.g. "node", "user")',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 128,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'drupal_bundle' => array(
'description' => 'Drupal bundle (e.g. "page", or vocabulary name)',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 128,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'indexes' => array(
'sfid' => array(
'primary key' => array(
$schema['salesforce_field_map'] = array(
'description' => 'Drupal to Salesforce field mappings',
'fields' => array(
'fieldmap' => array(
'description' => 'The primary identifier for a fieldmap.',
'type' => 'serial',
'unsigned' => TRUE,
'not null' => TRUE,
'automatic' => array(
'description' => 'Boolean indicating whether this action/map is automatic or triggered.',
'type' => 'int',
'unsigned' => TRUE,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'size' => 'tiny',
'salesforce' => array(
'description' => 'The kind of Salesforce object this map is for.',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 32,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'drupal_entity' => array(
'description' => 'The Drupal entity for this object map (e.g. "node", "user").',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 128,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'drupal_bundle' => array(
'description' => 'The Drupal bundle for this object map (e.g. "page" or vocabulary name)',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 128,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => array(
'description' => 'Name or brief description of this fieldmap',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 255,
'not null' => FALSE,
'default' => '',
'fields' => array(
'description' => 'Serialized fieldmap',
'type' => 'text',
'not null' => TRUE,
'primary key' => array(
return $schema;