function soap_server::service in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \soap_server::service()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \soap_server::service()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \soap_server::service()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \soap_server::service()
* processes request and returns response * *
string $data usually is the value of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA: * @access public
- includes/
nusoap.orig.php, line 3251
- soap_server
- soap_server allows the user to create a SOAP server that is capable of receiving messages and returning responses
function service($data) {
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) {
else {
$qs = '';
->debug("In service, query string={$qs}");
if (ereg('wsdl', $qs)) {
->debug("In service, this is a request for WSDL");
if ($this->externalWSDLURL) {
if (strpos($this->externalWSDLURL, "://") !== false) {
// assume URL
header('Location: ' . $this->externalWSDLURL);
else {
// assume file
header("Content-Type: text/xml\r\n");
$fp = fopen($this->externalWSDLURL, 'r');
elseif ($this->wsdl) {
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n");
print $this->wsdl
if ($this->debug_flag) {
print $this
else {
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n");
print "This service does not provide WSDL";
elseif ($data == '' && $this->wsdl) {
->debug("In service, there is no data, so return Web description");
print $this->wsdl
else {
->debug("In service, invoke the request");
if (!$this->fault) {
if (!$this->fault) {