function soap_server::invoke_method in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \soap_server::invoke_method()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \soap_server::invoke_method()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \soap_server::invoke_method()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \soap_server::invoke_method()
* invokes a PHP function for the requested SOAP method * * The following fields are set by this function (when successful) * * methodreturn * * Note that the PHP function that is called may also set the following * fields to affect the response sent to the client * * responseHeaders * outgoing_headers * * This sets the fault field on error * * @access private
2 calls to soap_server::invoke_method()
- soap_server::service in includes/
nusoap.php - * processes request and returns response * *
- soap_server::service in includes/
nusoap.orig.php - * processes request and returns response * *
- includes/
nusoap.orig.php, line 3486
- soap_server
- soap_server allows the user to create a SOAP server that is capable of receiving messages and returning responses
function invoke_method() {
->debug('in invoke_method, methodname=' . $this->methodname . ' methodURI=' . $this->methodURI . ' SOAPAction=' . $this->SOAPAction);
if ($this->wsdl) {
if ($this->opData = $this->wsdl
->getOperationData($this->methodname)) {
->debug('in invoke_method, found WSDL operation=' . $this->methodname);
->appendDebug('opData=' . $this
elseif ($this->opData = $this->wsdl
->getOperationDataForSoapAction($this->SOAPAction)) {
// Note: hopefully this case will only be used for doc/lit, since rpc services should have wrapper element
->debug('in invoke_method, found WSDL soapAction=' . $this->SOAPAction . ' for operation=' . $this->opData['name']);
->appendDebug('opData=' . $this
$this->methodname = $this->opData['name'];
else {
->debug('in invoke_method, no WSDL for operation=' . $this->methodname);
->fault('Client', "Operation '" . $this->methodname . "' is not defined in the WSDL for this service");
else {
->debug('in invoke_method, no WSDL to validate method');
// if a . is present in $this->methodname, we see if there is a class in scope,
// which could be referred to. We will also distinguish between two deliminators,
// to allow methods to be called a the class or an instance
$class = '';
$method = '';
if (strpos($this->methodname, '..') > 0) {
$delim = '..';
else {
if (strpos($this->methodname, '.') > 0) {
$delim = '.';
else {
$delim = '';
if (strlen($delim) > 0 && substr_count($this->methodname, $delim) == 1 && class_exists(substr($this->methodname, 0, strpos($this->methodname, $delim)))) {
// get the class and method name
$class = substr($this->methodname, 0, strpos($this->methodname, $delim));
$method = substr($this->methodname, strpos($this->methodname, $delim) + strlen($delim));
->debug("in invoke_method, class={$class} method={$method} delim={$delim}");
// does method exist?
if ($class == '') {
if (!function_exists($this->methodname)) {
->debug("in invoke_method, function '{$this->methodname}' not found!");
$this->result = 'fault: method not found';
->fault('Client', "method '{$this->methodname}' not defined in service");
else {
$method_to_compare = substr(phpversion(), 0, 2) == '4.' ? strtolower($method) : $method;
if (!in_array($method_to_compare, get_class_methods($class))) {
->debug("in invoke_method, method '{$this->methodname}' not found in class '{$class}'!");
$this->result = 'fault: method not found';
->fault('Client', "method '{$this->methodname}' not defined in service");
// evaluate message, getting back parameters
// verify that request parameters match the method's signature
if (!$this
->verify_method($this->methodname, $this->methodparams)) {
// debug
->debug('ERROR: request not verified against method signature');
$this->result = 'fault: request failed validation against method signature';
// return fault
->fault('Client', "Operation '{$this->methodname}' not defined in service.");
// if there are parameters to pass
->debug('in invoke_method, params:');
->debug("in invoke_method, calling '{$this->methodname}'");
if (!function_exists('call_user_func_array')) {
if ($class == '') {
->debug('in invoke_method, calling function using eval()');
$funcCall = "\$this->methodreturn = {$this->methodname}(";
else {
if ($delim == '..') {
->debug('in invoke_method, calling class method using eval()');
$funcCall = "\$this->methodreturn = " . $class . "::" . $method . "(";
else {
->debug('in invoke_method, calling instance method using eval()');
// generate unique instance name
$instname = "\$inst_" . time();
$funcCall = $instname . " = new " . $class . "(); ";
$funcCall .= "\$this->methodreturn = " . $instname . "->" . $method . "(";
if ($this->methodparams) {
foreach ($this->methodparams as $param) {
if (is_array($param)) {
->fault('Client', 'NuSOAP does not handle complexType parameters correctly when using eval; call_user_func_array must be available');
$funcCall .= "\"{$param}\",";
$funcCall = substr($funcCall, 0, -1);
$funcCall .= ');';
->debug('in invoke_method, function call: ' . $funcCall);
else {
if ($class == '') {
->debug('in invoke_method, calling function using call_user_func_array()');
$call_arg = "{$this->methodname}";
// straight assignment changes $this->methodname to lower case after call_user_func_array()
elseif ($delim == '..') {
->debug('in invoke_method, calling class method using call_user_func_array()');
$call_arg = array(
else {
->debug('in invoke_method, calling instance method using call_user_func_array()');
$instance = new $class();
$call_arg = array(
$this->methodreturn = call_user_func_array($call_arg, $this->methodparams);
->debug('in invoke_method, methodreturn:');
->debug("in invoke_method, called method {$this->methodname}, received {$this->methodreturn} of type " . gettype($this->methodreturn));