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class S3fsCommands in S3 File System 4.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Commands/S3fsCommands.php \Drupal\s3fs\Commands\S3fsCommands

S3FS Drush commands handler.

@package Drupal\s3fs\Commands


  • class \Drupal\s3fs\Commands\S3fsCommands extends \Drush\Commands\DrushCommands

Expanded class hierarchy of S3fsCommands

1 string reference to 'S3fsCommands' in ./
1 service uses S3fsCommands
s3fs.commands in ./


src/Commands/S3fsCommands.php, line 20


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class S3fsCommands extends DrushCommands {

   * S3fs service.
   * @var \Drupal\s3fs\S3fsServiceInterface
  private $s3fs;

   * S3fs file migration service.
   * @var \Drupal\s3fs\Batch\S3fsFileMigrationBatchInterface
  private $s3fsFileMigrationBatch;

   * S3fs Config data.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig
  private $s3fsConfig;

   * S3fs RefreshCacheBatch service.
   * @var \Drupal\s3fs\Batch\S3fsRefreshCacheBatchInterface
  private $s3fsRefreshCacheBatch;

   * S3fsCommands constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\s3fs\S3fsServiceInterface $s3fs
   *   S3fs service.
   * @param \Drupal\s3fs\Batch\S3fsFileMigrationBatchInterface $s3fs_file_migration_batch
   *   S3fs file migration service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
   *   Drupal config.factory service.
   * @param \Drupal\s3fs\Batch\S3fsRefreshCacheBatchInterface $s3fs_refresh_cache_batch
   *   S3fs RefreshCacheBatch service.
  public function __construct(S3fsServiceInterface $s3fs, S3fsFileMigrationBatchInterface $s3fs_file_migration_batch, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, S3fsRefreshCacheBatchInterface $s3fs_refresh_cache_batch) {
    $this->s3fs = $s3fs;
    $this->s3fsFileMigrationBatch = $s3fs_file_migration_batch;
    $this->s3fsConfig = $config_factory
    $this->s3fsRefreshCacheBatch = $s3fs_refresh_cache_batch;

   * Refresh the S3 File System metadata cache.
   * @command s3fs:refresh-cache
   * @aliases s3fs-rc, s3fs-refresh-cache
  public function refreshCache() {
    $config = $this->s3fsConfig
    if ($errors = $this->s3fs
      ->validate($config)) {
      foreach ($errors as $error) {
      throw new \Exception(new TranslatableMarkup('Unable to validate your s3fs configuration settings. Please configure S3 File System from the admin/config/media/s3fs page and try again.'));

   * Copy local files into your S3 bucket.
   *  Copies files from local public:// or private:// into the S3 bucket.
   * @command s3fs:copy-local
   * @aliases s3fs-cl, s3fs-copy-local
   * @option scheme Limit the process to an specific scheme. E.g. (public or private), all by default.
   * @option condition Limits when to migrate files one of always,newer,size,newer_size. Default always.
   * @usage drush s3fs-copy-local
   *   Copy local files from your public and/or private file system(s)
   *   into your S3 bucket.
   * @usage drush s3fs-copy-local --scheme=public
   *   Copy local files only from your public file system into your S3 bucket.
  public function copyLocal(array $options = [
    'scheme' => 'all',
    'condition' => 'always',
  ]) {
    $scheme = $options['scheme'];
    $uploadOptions = [];
    switch ($options['condition']) {
      case 'always':
        $uploadOptions['upload_conditions']['always'] = TRUE;
      case 'newer_size':
        $uploadOptions['upload_conditions']['newer'] = TRUE;
        $uploadOptions['upload_conditions']['size'] = TRUE;
      case 'newer':
        $uploadOptions['upload_conditions']['newer'] = TRUE;
      case 'size':
        $uploadOptions['upload_conditions']['size'] = TRUE;
      ->log(LogLevel::OK, new TranslatableMarkup('You are going to copy @scheme scheme(s).', [
      '@scheme' => $scheme,
      ->warning(new TranslatableMarkup('You should have read "Copy local files to S3" section in README.txt.'));
      ->warning(new TranslatableMarkup('This command only is useful if you have or you are going to have enabled s3 for public/private in your setting.php'));
    if (!$this
      ->confirm(new TranslatableMarkup('Are you sure?'))) {
      return new UserAbortException();
    $config = $this->s3fsConfig
    if ($errors = $this->s3fs
      ->validate($config)) {
      foreach ($errors as $error) {
      throw new \Exception(new TranslatableMarkup('Unable to validate your s3fs configuration settings. Please configure S3 File System from the admin/config/media/s3fs page and try again.'));
    if ($scheme == 'all' || $scheme == 'public') {
        ->log(LogLevel::OK, new TranslatableMarkup('Including @scheme scheme', [
        '@scheme' => 'public',
        ->execute($config, 'public', $uploadOptions);
    if ($scheme == 'all' || $scheme == 'private') {
      if (Settings::get('file_private_path')) {
          ->log(LogLevel::OK, new TranslatableMarkup('Including @scheme scheme', [
          '@scheme' => 'private',
          ->execute($config, 'private', $uploadOptions);
      else {
          ->warning(new TranslatableMarkup('Scheme @scheme is not properly configured, you must enable this scheme in your settings.php', [
          '@scheme' => 'private',



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
S3fsCommands::$s3fs private property S3fs service.
S3fsCommands::$s3fsConfig private property S3fs Config data.
S3fsCommands::$s3fsFileMigrationBatch private property S3fs file migration service.
S3fsCommands::$s3fsRefreshCacheBatch private property S3fs RefreshCacheBatch service.
S3fsCommands::copyLocal public function Copy local files into your S3 bucket.
S3fsCommands::refreshCache public function Refresh the S3 File System metadata cache.
S3fsCommands::__construct public function S3fsCommands constructor.