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function s3fs_copy_system_images_delete_batch in S3 File System 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 s3fs.module \s3fs_copy_system_images_delete_batch()

Delete previously saved system images from S3. This is done to ensure files have been removed from modules or themes that are no longer in use.


string $wrapper: Default file system stream wrapper.

array $directory: A root-level directory of a module, theme, or library where system images may exist on S3.

1 string reference to 's3fs_copy_system_images_delete_batch'
s3fs_copy_system_images_batch_set in ./s3fs.module
Set batch process to perform copy of system images.


./s3fs.module, line 1109
Hook implementations and other primary functionality for S3 File System.


function s3fs_copy_system_images_delete_batch($wrapper, $directory) {
  file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($wrapper . $directory);