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Functions in S3 File System 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_s3fs_copy_local ./ Copys all files from the local public/private filesystem folders into S3, if s3fs is configured to take over those systems. 1
drush_s3fs_refresh_cache ./ Refreshes the file metadata cache. 1
hook_s3fs_upload_params_alter ./s3fs.api.php Alters the S3 file parameters when uploading an object.
hook_s3fs_url_settings_alter ./s3fs.api.php Alters the format and options used when creating an external URL.
s3fs_actions ./ Builds the Actions form. 1
s3fs_copy_system_images_batch_set ./s3fs.module Set batch process to perform copy of system images. 1
s3fs_copy_system_images_confirm_form ./s3fs.module 1
s3fs_copy_system_images_confirm_form_submit ./s3fs.module 1
s3fs_copy_system_images_delete_batch ./s3fs.module Delete previously saved system images from S3. This is done to ensure files have been removed from modules or themes that are no longer in use. 1
s3fs_copy_system_images_directories ./s3fs.module Build array of modules, themes, and libraries that may contain system images. 1
s3fs_copy_system_images_save_batch ./s3fs.module Save system images to S3. 1
s3fs_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
s3fs_field_default_field_bases_alter ./s3fs.module Implements hook_field_default_field_bases_alter().
s3fs_form_system_file_system_settings_alter ./s3fs.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
s3fs_help ./s3fs.module Implements hook_help().
s3fs_install ./s3fs.install Implements hook_install().
s3fs_libraries_info ./s3fs.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
s3fs_menu ./s3fs.module Implements hook_menu().
s3fs_permission ./s3fs.module Implements hook_permission().
s3fs_requirements ./s3fs.install Implements hook_requirements().
s3fs_schema ./s3fs.install Implements hook_schema(). 2
s3fs_settings ./ Builds the Settings form. 1
s3fs_settings_validate ./ Validates the values on the admin form.
s3fs_stream_wrappers ./s3fs.module Implements hook_stream_wrappers().
s3fs_stream_wrappers_alter ./s3fs.module Implements hook_stream_wrappers_alter().
s3fs_uninstall ./s3fs.install Implements hook_uninstall().
s3fs_update_7000 ./s3fs.install Allow large filesize values in the S3 File Metadata cache.
s3fs_update_7001 ./s3fs.install Variable updates.
s3fs_update_7002 ./s3fs.install Updates the s3fs_file table to use case sensitive collation.
s3fs_update_7003 ./s3fs.install Rename the variable s3fs_allow_relative to s3fs_use_relative_urls.
s3fs_update_7004 ./s3fs.install Remove the s3fs_use_relative_urls variable.
s3fs_update_7005 ./s3fs.install Remove the extra amazons3 variables that are not necessary for compatibility with amazons3_cors.
s3fs_update_7006 ./s3fs.install Add Version schema change to existing installs.
s3fs_update_7200 ./s3fs.install Updates to the s3fs_file table.
s3fs_update_7201 ./s3fs.install Adds the s3:// schema to the list of public schemas.
s3fs_update_7202 ./s3fs.install Converts the `uri` column of the metadata table to BINARY.
s3fs_update_7203 ./s3fs.install Replace the s3fs_use_instance_profile variable with s3fs_awssdk2_use_instance_profile.
s3fs_update_7204 ./s3fs.install Fix the bug in the previous update.
s3fs_update_7205 ./s3fs.install Adds the option to enable/disable querying of Versioned files during the _s3fs_reset_media_cache() Action
s3fs_update_7206 ./s3fs.install Add s3fs_domain_root as a variable, which allows for mapping of a CDN to a specific folder, such as "mybucket/staging/s3fs-public". By default, map to entire bucket.
s3fs_update_7207 ./s3fs.install Update s3fs variable names to support AWS SDK v3.
_s3fs_convert_form_state_to_config ./ Converts a $form_state array to a configuration settings array. 1
_s3fs_convert_metadata ./s3fs.module Convert file metadata returned from S3 into a metadata cache array. 5
_s3fs_copy_file_system_to_s3 ./s3fs.module Copies all the local files from the specified file system into S3. 2
_s3fs_copy_local_submit ./ Submit callback for the "Copy local files to S3" buttons. 1
_s3fs_copy_system_images_submit ./ Submit callback for the "Copy system images to S3" button. 1
_s3fs_get_amazons3_client ./s3fs.module Sets up the S3Client object. 4
_s3fs_get_config ./s3fs.module Returns the current s3fs configuration settings. 12
_s3fs_get_setting ./s3fs.module Internal function to retrieve the value of a specific setting, taking overrides in settings.php into account. 5
_s3fs_image_style_deliver ./s3fs.module Generates an image derivative in S3. 1


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