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11 calls to rules_get_items() in Rules 6

rules_admin_export_by_category in rules_admin/
Adds in the rule items for the given tags.
rules_admin_form_export in rules_admin/
Exports one or more configurations
rules_admin_menu in rules_admin/rules_admin.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
rules_admin_validate_machine_name in rules_admin/rules_admin.module
Validate the machine name.
rules_enable_items in rules/rules.module
Used to inform the rules engine about an added item type, so it can create the db table if necessary
rules_get_configured_items in rules/rules.module
Gets all configured items, regardless if defined by the admin or by a module
rules_item_change_name in rules/rules.module
Change the name of a rules item.
rules_item_delete in rules/rules.module
Deletes the given item from the database
rules_item_save in rules/rules.module
Saves the given item to the database
rules_item_type_invoke in rules/rules.module
Invoke an item type specific function, which will be item types base appended with _$op. The parameters given in $params will be passed to this function.
rules_schema in rules/rules.install
Implementation of hook_schema.