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8 calls to _rules_element_defaults() in Rules 6

rules_admin_form_add in rules_admin/
Returns the form for the add operation This handles adding conditions and actions
rules_admin_form_clone in rules_admin/
Clones a rule
rules_admin_form_delete in rules_admin/
Shows the delete form for elements (conditions, actions, ..)
rules_admin_form_edit_rule in rules_admin/
Returns the form for editing a rule
rules_admin_overview_table in rules_admin/
Returns a table of rules filtered by the given parameters
rules_evaluate_elements in rules/rules.module
Evaluates the elements in a recursive way The elements are a tree of rules, conditions, actions and logical operations (AND, OR,..)
rules_retrieve_element_info in rules/rules.module
Retrieves the element (actions, conditions,..) info.
_rules_rule_is_active in rules/rules.module
Helper for array_filter()