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function rules_input_evaluator_php_prepare in Rules 6

Prepares the evalution.


$string: The string to evaluate later.

$variables: An array of available variables.

Return value

Arbitrary data, which is passed to the evaluator on evaluation. If NULL is returned the input evaluator will be skipped later.

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rules/modules/, line 36
rules integration for the php module This provides an php input evaluator as well as a execute php code action.


function rules_input_evaluator_php_prepare($string, $variables) {
  if (strpos($string, '<?') !== FALSE) {
    $used_vars = array();
    foreach ($variables as $name => $info) {
      if (strpos($string, '$' . $name) !== FALSE) {
        $used_vars[] = $name;
    return $used_vars;