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README.txt in RESTful Web Services 7

Same filename in this branch
  1. 7 README.txt
  2. 7 restws_basic_auth/README.txt
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2 restws_basic_auth/README.txt
                 HTTP Basic Authentication for RESTful Web Services

This module takes the user name and password from HTTP basic authentication
headers to perform a Drupal user login. This is useful for authenticating remote
web service calls with the standard Drupal user access system.

Per default only user names starting with "restws" will be tried to log in. This
can be configured with the "restws_basic_auth_user_regex" variable, which allows
you to define an arbitrary pattern that the user names must match. This avoids
unecessary login attempts for standard human users on protected sites.

You can configure the regex (suitable for preg_match()) in your settings.php,

$conf['restws_basic_auth_user_regex'] = '/^web_service.*/';


View source
  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. HTTP Basic Authentication for RESTful Web Services
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. This module takes the user name and password from HTTP basic authentication
  5. headers to perform a Drupal user login. This is useful for authenticating remote
  6. web service calls with the standard Drupal user access system.
  7. Per default only user names starting with "restws" will be tried to log in. This
  8. can be configured with the "restws_basic_auth_user_regex" variable, which allows
  9. you to define an arbitrary pattern that the user names must match. This avoids
  10. unecessary login attempts for standard human users on protected sites.
  11. You can configure the regex (suitable for preg_match()) in your settings.php,
  12. e.g.:
  13. $conf['restws_basic_auth_user_regex'] = '/^web_service.*/';