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Classes, traits, and interfaces in RESTful Web Services 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
MyModuleBookResourceController class ./restws.api.php Example controller class for the mymodule_book resource.
RestWSBaseFormat abstract class ./ A base for all simple formats that are just serializing/unserializing an array of property values. 3
RestWSBasicAuthTestCase class restws_basic_auth/restws_basic_auth.test @file RESTWS Basic Auth tests.
RestWSEntityResourceController class ./ Controller for entity-bases resources.
RestWSException class ./restws.module An exception defining the HTTP error code and message.
RestWSFormatInterface interface ./ Interface implemented by formatter implementations for the http client. 1
RestWSFormatJSON class ./ A formatter to format json.
RestWSFormatRDF class ./ A simple formatter for RDF. Requires the RDF module for the mapping.
RestWSFormatXML class ./ A formatter for XML.
RestWSResourceControllerInterface interface ./ Specifies CRUD and access methods for resources. 2
RestWSTestCase class ./restws.test @file RESTful web services tests.

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