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protected function RestfulEntityBase::setPropertyValues in RESTful 7

Set properties of the entity based on the request, and save the entity.


EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper: The wrapped entity object, passed by reference.

bool $null_missing_fields: Determine if properties that are missing from the request array should be treated as NULL, or should be skipped. Defaults to FALSE, which will skip, instead of setting the fields to NULL.



3 calls to RestfulEntityBase::setPropertyValues()
RestfulEntityBase::createEntity in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Create a new entity.
RestfulEntityBase::updateEntity in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Update an entity.
RestfulEntityBaseTaxonomyTerm::setPropertyValues in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBaseTaxonomyTerm.php
Overrides \RestfulEntityBase::setPropertyValues().
1 method overrides RestfulEntityBase::setPropertyValues()
RestfulEntityBaseTaxonomyTerm::setPropertyValues in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBaseTaxonomyTerm.php
Overrides \RestfulEntityBase::setPropertyValues().


plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php, line 661
Contains RestfulEntityBase.


An abstract implementation of RestfulEntityInterface.


protected function setPropertyValues(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, $null_missing_fields = FALSE) {
  $request = $this
  $save = FALSE;
  $original_request = $request;
  foreach ($this
    ->getPublicFields() as $public_field_name => $info) {
    if (!empty($info['create_or_update_passthrough'])) {

      // Allow passing the value in the request.
    if (empty($info['property'])) {

      // We may have for example an entity with no label property, but with a
      // label callback. In that case the $info['property'] won't exist, so
      // we skip this field.
    $property_name = $info['property'];
    if (!array_key_exists($public_field_name, $request)) {

      // No property to set in the request.
      if ($null_missing_fields && $this
        ->checkPropertyAccess('edit', $public_field_name, $wrapper->{$property_name}, $wrapper)) {

        // We need to set the value to NULL.
        $field_value = NULL;
      else {

        // Either we shouldn't set missing fields as NULL or access is denied
        // for the current property, hence we skip.
    else {

      // Property is set in the request.
      $field_value = $this
        ->propertyValuesPreprocess($property_name, $request[$public_field_name], $public_field_name);

    // We check the property access only after setting the values, as the
    // access callback's response might change according to the field value.
    if (!$this
      ->checkPropertyAccess('edit', $public_field_name, $wrapper->{$property_name}, $wrapper)) {
      throw new \RestfulBadRequestException(format_string('Property @name cannot be set.', array(
        '@name' => $public_field_name,
    $save = TRUE;
  if (!$save) {

    // No request was sent.
    throw new \RestfulBadRequestException('No values were sent with the request');
  if ($original_request) {

    // Request had illegal values.
    $error_message = format_plural(count($original_request), 'Property @names is invalid.', 'Property @names are invalid.', array(
      '@names' => implode(', ', array_keys($original_request)),
    throw new RestfulBadRequestException($error_message);

  // Allow changing the entity just before it's saved. For example, setting
  // the author of the node entity.