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public function RestfulEntityBase::propertyValuesPreprocess in RESTful 7

Massage the value to set according to the format expected by the wrapper.


string $property_name: The property name to set.

$value: The value passed in the request.

string $public_field_name: The name of the public field to set.

Return value

mixed The value to set using the wrapped property.

1 call to RestfulEntityBase::propertyValuesPreprocess()
RestfulEntityBase::setPropertyValues in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Set properties of the entity based on the request, and save the entity.


plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php, line 746
Contains RestfulEntityBase.


An abstract implementation of RestfulEntityInterface.


public function propertyValuesPreprocess($property_name, $value, $public_field_name) {

  // If value is NULL, just return.
  if (!isset($value)) {
    return NULL;

  // Get the field info.
  $field_info = field_info_field($property_name);
  switch ($field_info['type']) {
    case 'entityreference':
    case 'taxonomy_term_reference':
    case 'field_collection':
    case 'commerce_product_reference':
    case 'commerce_line_item_reference':
      return $this
        ->propertyValuesPreprocessReference($property_name, $value, $field_info, $public_field_name);
    case 'text':
    case 'text_long':
    case 'text_with_summary':
      return $this
        ->propertyValuesPreprocessText($property_name, $value, $field_info);
    case 'file':
    case 'image':
      return $this
        ->propertyValuesPreprocessFile($property_name, $value, $field_info);

  // Return the value as is.
  return $value;