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function regcode_import_stream in Registration codes 5.3

Import codes from a stream (plain list or CSV text data)


$stream: Stream handle of the stream to import from

$action: Import action: overwrite - overwrite any existing codes with same code identifiers as the imported ones skip - skip any import of a codes, if any code with same code identifier exists clean - completely wipe the code database befor importing all codes

$code_template: Optional code data template to use as default data setting for each imported code (key/value pairs for any applicable code field, see regcode_save_code)

Return value

Whether the import operation has been successful (TRUE) or not (FALSE)

2 calls to regcode_import_stream()
regcode_import_file in ./
Import codes from a file (plain list or CSV)
regcode_import_text in ./
Import codes from a multi-line string (plain list or CSV)


./, line 404 contains general low-level functions for the registration-code module, for tasks like


function regcode_import_stream($stream, $action = NULL, $code_template = NULL) {
  if (!$stream) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!$action) {
    $action = variable_get('regcode_import_action', 'skip');
  $delimiter = variable_get('regcode_import_csv_delimiter', ',');
  $enclosure = variable_get('regcode_import_csv_text_enclosure', '"');
  $fieldorder = variable_get('regcode_import_csv_fieldorder', 'code');

  // clean codes when needed (depending on action)

  // iterate through stream line by line
  while (($row = fgetcsv($stream, 9999, $delimiter, $enclosure)) !== FALSE) {
    if (empty($fieldorder)) {
      $fieldorder = $row;
    else {
      if (regcode_import_code($row, $action, $fieldorder, $code_template)) {
  drupal_set_message(t('!count registration codes imported.', array(
    '!count' => intval($count),
  watchdog('RegistrationCode', t('!count registration codes imported.', array(
    '!count' => intval($count),
  return $count > 0;