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Functions in Registration codes 5.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
regcode_admin_import ./ Return the form associated with the registration code import admin page 1
regcode_admin_import_submit ./ Handle the processing of a submitted import form
regcode_admin_list ./ Return the code list page content with(in) the according filter form 1
regcode_admin_page ./regcode.module Generates requested admin page by including containing the resp. admin page form functions and delegating to drupal_get_form 1
regcode_admin_settings ./ Return the form associated with the module settings. 1
regcode_clean_codes ./ Clean all codes from the db 1
regcode_convert_codes ./regcode.install Helper function to iterate through code-variables and initiating code conversion to database-storage 1
regcode_convert_codes_query ./regcode.install Helper function to actually convert existing codes from variable-storage to database-storage 1
regcode_create_table ./regcode.install Helper function to create table for db storage 2
regcode_form_add_codetemplate ./ Add the fieldset for code template to a given form 2
regcode_get_code ./ Retrieve a particular registration code identified by given code id, or assign it to a given user 1
regcode_get_codes ./ Return the database query result for the given options to list codes 1
regcode_get_fields ./ Get the list of regcode db fields as key/title pairs 5
regcode_get_field_key ./ Get the key of a given field name (redundant) or title This function is quite stupid, but is necessary to compensate a bug in Drupal for correctly retrieving a column key from table sorting querystring-argument "order", which is wrongfully… 1
regcode_get_filter_operands ./ Get the list of available filter operands for code retrieval 2
regcode_help ./regcode.module Display help and module information.
regcode_import_action_check_validation ./ Validates the regcode_import_action_check checkbox
regcode_import_code ./ Import a single codes from a single ine string (plain one-field or CSV) 1
regcode_import_file ./ Import codes from a file (plain list or CSV) 1 1
regcode_import_stream ./ Import codes from a stream (plain list or CSV text data) 2
regcode_import_text ./ Import codes from a multi-line string (plain list or CSV) 1
regcode_install ./regcode.install Implementation of hook_install().
regcode_menu ./regcode.module Define menu items and page callbacks.
regcode_message ./ Return text message requested by given identifier/constant 1
regcode_perm ./regcode.module Set valid permissions for this module.
regcode_save_code ./ Save given code array to a record in the db 1
regcode_uninstall ./regcode.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
regcode_update_5200 ./regcode.install Implementation of hook_update().
regcode_user ./regcode.module Act on user account actions.

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