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function theme_recipe_ingredient_index_page in Recipe 6

1 theme call to theme_recipe_ingredient_index_page()
recipe_ingredient_index_page in ./
@file - This is an include file containing most all of the recipe category index page functionality.


./, line 34 - This is an include file containing most all of the recipe category index page functionality.


function theme_recipe_ingredient_index_page($page_args = NULL) {
  $output = '';
  if (!$page_args['current_ingredient']) {

    // Render the alpha pager.
    $output .= '<div class="recipe-ingredient-alpha">';
    $list = array();
    foreach (range('a', 'z') as $letter) {
      if (isset($page_args['alpha_list'][$letter])) {
        $list[] = l(strtoupper($letter), 'recipe/bying', array(
          'fragment' => 'alpha_' . $letter,
      else {
        $list[] = $letter;
    $output .= implode(" - ", $list);
    $output .= '</div>';

    // Render the ingredient_list.
    if ($page_args['ingredient_list'] != NULL) {
      if (count($page_args['ingredient_list']) > 0) {
        $output1 = '<div class="recipe-ingredient-list">';
        $last_alpha = '-';
        foreach ($page_args['ingredient_list'] as $ingredient) {
          if ($ingredient->letter != $last_alpha) {
            if ($last_alpha != '-') {
              $output1 .= "</p></fieldset>";
            $output1 .= '<fieldset><legend><a name="alpha_' . $ingredient->letter . '">' . strtoupper($ingredient->letter) . '</a></legend><p>';
            $last_alpha = $ingredient->letter;
          $output1 .= l($ingredient->name, 'recipe/bying/' . $ingredient->id) . '<br/>';
        $output1 .= "</p></fieldset>";
        $output1 .= '</div>';
        $output .= $output1;
      else {
        $output .= theme('box', t('No matching ingredients'));
  else {

    // render the matching node list.
    if ($page_args['node_list']) {
      $output .= '<div class="recipe-ingredient-nodes">';
      $output .= '<fieldset><legend>' . $page_args['current_ingredient']->name . '</legend><p>';
      foreach ($page_args['node_list'] as $node) {
        $output .= l($node->title, 'node/' . $node->nid) . '<br/>';
      $output .= '</p></fieldset>';
      $output .= "</div>";

  // Set-up the breadcrumb tail.
  if ($page_args['current_ingredient']) {
    $breadcrumb = array();
    $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Home'), NULL);
    $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Recipes'), 'recipe');
    $breadcrumb[] = l(t('By ingredient'), 'recipe/bying');
  drupal_set_title(t('Find by ingredient name'));
  return $output;