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function recipe_unit_options in Recipe 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 recipe.module \recipe_unit_options()
  2. 7.2 recipe.module \recipe_unit_options()
  3. 7 recipe.module \recipe_unit_options()

Returns a cached array of recipe unit types

1 call to recipe_unit_options()
recipe_form in ./recipe.module
Implementation of hook_form().


./recipe.module, line 865
recipe.module - share recipes


function recipe_unit_options() {
  static $options;
  static $unit_rs;
  if (!isset($unit_rs)) {
    $order_by = '';

    // US measure preferred.
    if (variable_get('recipe_preferred_system_of_measure', 0) == 0) {
      $order_by = 'type asc, metric asc, name';
    else {
      $order_by = 'type asc, metric desc, name';
    $unit_rs = db_query("SELECT id, type, name, abbreviation FROM {recipe_unit} ORDER BY {$order_by}");
    $options = array();
    while ($r = db_fetch_object($unit_rs)) {
      if (isset($r->type)) {
        if (!isset($options[$r->type])) {
          $options[$r->type] = array();
        $options[$r->type][$r->id] = t('@name (@abbreviation)', array(
          '@name' => $r->name,
          '@abbreviation' => $r->abbreviation,
      else {
        $options[$r->id] = t('@name (@abbreviation)', array(
          '@name' => $r->name,
          '@abbreviation' => $r->abbreviation,
  return $options;