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Files in Realistic Dummy Content 8.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
2867475538_bee27a0a47_o.jpg.alt.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/field_image/2867475538_bee27a0a47_o.jpg.alt.txt The elephants in the room
a.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/title/a.txt First title
b.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/title/b.txt Second title developer/ #!/bin/bash # # Build a development environment. # set -e BASEPATH="$(pwd)" SCRIPTNAME="$(basename "$0")" if [ ! -f "$BASEPATH"/"$SCRIPTNAME" ]; then echo -e '[error] Please run this script…
c.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/title/c.txt Third title developer/ #!/bin/bash # # Use ./ ... instead of docker-compose ... # We do not want to make assumptions about whether or not docker-compose # is installed on a given platform (for example CoreOS does not have # docker-compose). In…
docker-compose.yml developer/docker-compose.yml developer/docker-compose.yml
dolor.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/dolor.txt Dolor <strong>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</strong> <em>consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation…
Drupal7.php api/src/Framework/Drupal7.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework
Drupal7Test.php api/src/test/Framework/Drupal7Test.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework
Drupal8.php api/src/Framework/Drupal8.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework developer/ #/bin/bash # # Executes a command on a container. # set -e BASEPATH="$(pwd)" SCRIPTNAME="$(basename "$0")" if [ ! -f "$BASEPATH"/"$SCRIPTNAME" ]; then echo -e '[error] Please run this script… developer/frameworks/drupal8/ #/bin/bash # # Runs a command on a throwaway container. # Use this instead of exec, because we want to avoid "polluting" our # containers with exec, and the LXC driver used by Circle does not support # exec. # set -e # Used in… developer/frameworks/drupal7/ #/bin/bash # # Runs a command on a throwaway container. # Use this instead of exec, because we want to avoid "polluting" our # containers with exec, and the LXC driver used by Circle does not support # exec. # set -e # Used in…
Framework.php api/src/Framework/Framework.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework
FrameworkInterface.php api/src/Framework/FrameworkInterface.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework developer/frameworks/drupal8/docker-resources/ #!/bin/bash # # Install Drupal 8 # set -e cp -r /sites-default/* sites/default drush si \ -y \ --db-url=mysql://root:@database/drupal8 \ --account-name=admin \ --account-pass=admin \ standard \ … developer/frameworks/drupal7/docker-resources/ #!/bin/bash # # Install Drupal 7 # set -e cp -r /sites-default/* sites/default # In order to prevent the "unable to send mail" error, we are including # the "install_configure_form" line, which itself forces us to include the #…
ipsum.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/ipsum.txt Ipsum <strong>ipsum dolor sit amet</strong> <em>consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation…
ipsum.txt.format.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/ipsum.txt.format.txt full_html developer/ #!/bin/bash # # Kill the development environment if it exists. # set -e BASEPATH="$(pwd)" SCRIPTNAME="$(basename "$0")" if [ ! -f "$BASEPATH"/"$SCRIPTNAME" ]; then echo -e '[error] Please run… developer/lib/ #!/bin/bash # # Run linting on PHP. # set -e BASEPATH="$(pwd)" echo -e '[lint] About to lint php files.' cd "$BASEPATH"/.. && docker run -v "$(pwd)":/code \ dcycle/php-lint \ … developer/lib/ #!/bin/bash # # Run linting on shell scripts. # set -e BASEPATH="$(pwd)" echo -e '[lint] About to lint bash scripts.' # See cd "$BASEPATH"/.. && find . -name… developer/lib/ #!/bin/bash # # Run linting on yaml files. # set -e docker run -v "$(pwd)":/code dcycle/yaml-lint .
lorem.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/lorem.txt
Math.php api/src/includes/Math.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
MathTest.php api/src/test/includes/MathTest.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Test
Mock.php api/src/Framework/Mock.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework
MockTest.php api/src/test/Framework/MockTest.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework developer/lib/ #!/bin/bash # # Preflight checks. # set -e echo -e '[preflight] checking whether Docker and Docker Compose are installed.' docker -v
README.txt api/drupal7-simpletests/README.txt Automated Drupal 7 Simpletest tests for Realistic Dummy Content.
README.txt api/src/includes/README.txt The files herein are referenced from the module's Drupal 7 `info` file and are auto-loaded classes. For Drupal 8, the files are auto-loaded based on the folder structure.
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/field_image/README.txt The files herein are used by Realistic dummy content to replace generated content for image fields in article nodes (entity type: node; bundle: article; this is determined by the directory structure -- node/article/field_image). Some files might…
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/title/README.txt The files herein are used by Realistic dummy content to replace generated content for title fields in article nodes (entity type: node; bundle: article; this is determined by the directory structure -- node/article/title).
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/README.txt The files herein are used by Realistic dummy content to replace generated content for body fields in article nodes (entity type: node; bundle: article; this is determined by the directory structure). Input formats ------------- Note that one of the…
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/field_tags/README.txt Tags use the taxonomy system; a new taxonomy term will be added for these terms if they don't already exist.
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/user/user/user_picture/README.txt The files herein are used by Realistic dummy content to replace generated user pictures. The images are details of paintings available under various Creative Commons licenses: *
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/user/user/picture/README.txt The files herein are used by Realistic dummy content to replace generated user pictures. The images are details of paintings available under various Creative Commons licenses: * scripts/ #!/bin/bash # # Generate html from md. Useful for updating the description on Drupal. # set -e docker pull dcycle/md2html:1 docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/app/code" \ dcycle/md2html:1 -t html5 -o README.html # If one enters…
RealisticDummyContentAPIRecipe.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentAPIRecipe.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentAttribute.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentAttribute.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentBase.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentBase.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentDatabaseTestCase.test api/drupal7-simpletests/RealisticDummyContentDatabaseTestCase.test Drupal 7 tests.
RealisticDummyContentDebugLog.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentDebugLog.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentDevelGenerateGenerator.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentDevelGenerateGenerator.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentDrupalTrait.php api/src/traits/RealisticDummyContentDrupalTrait.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\traits
RealisticDummyContentDrushLog.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentDrushLog.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentDummyEnvironment.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentDummyEnvironment.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentEntityBase.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentEntityBase.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes
RealisticDummyContentEnvironment.php api/src/includes/RealisticDummyContentEnvironment.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes


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