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Files in Realistic Dummy Content 8

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
2867475538_bee27a0a47_o.jpg.alt.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/field_image/2867475538_bee27a0a47_o.jpg.alt.txt The elephants in the room
a.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/title/a.txt First title
Attribute.php api/src/attributes/Attribute.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\attributes Define autoload class.
b.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/title/b.txt Second title
Base.php api/src/manipulators/Base.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\manipulators Define autoload class. dcycle/lib/ # Make sure errors propagate throughout the script set -e echo -e "[ >>] Start of script $0 (from $(pwd))" PORT=$1 PROJECTNAME=$2 docker build -f="Dcycle-Dockerfile-drupal8module" -t $PROJECTNAME-dcycle-drupal8module… dcycle/lib/ # Make sure errors propagate throughout the script set -e echo -e "[ >>] Start of script $0 (from $(pwd))" PORT=$1 PROJECTNAME=$2 docker build -f="Dcycle-Dockerfile-drupal8module-internal" -t… dcycle/lib/ # Make sure errors propagate throughout the script set -e echo -e "[ >>] Start of script $0 (from $(pwd))" if [ ! -f ./Dcycle-Dockerfile-drupal8module-test ];then echo -e "[error] Dcycle-Dockerfile-drupal8module-test must…
c.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/title/c.txt Third title
CHANGELOG.txt dcycle/CHANGELOG.txt Version 13
circle.yml circle.yml circle.yml dcycle/lib/ docker ps|grep $1|sed s/[^a-z0-9].*$//
DebugLog.php api/src/loggers/DebugLog.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\loggers Define autoload class. dcycle/ echo -e "[ >>] Start of script $0 (from $(pwd))" echo -e "\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " echo -e "DCYCLE" echo -e "See for instructions and" echo -e…
deploy.txt dcycle/readme/deploy.txt usage ===== Installation ----- Please place the entire "dcycle" directory, which contains the script, at the root of your project. Call this script from within a CoreOS VM, which must contain…
dolor.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/dolor.txt Dolor <strong>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</strong> <em>consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation…
Drush.php api/src/environments/Drush.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\environments Define autoload class. dcycle/ #!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne "2" ] then echo "Please supply exactly two argument, the hash of the container, and" echo "the Drush command to run, \"in quotes\"." echo "The…
DrushLog.php api/src/loggers/DrushLog.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\loggers Define autoload class.
DummyEnvironment.php api/src/environments/DummyEnvironment.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\environments Define autoload class.
EntityBase.php api/src/manipulators/EntityBase.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\manipulators Define autoload class.
Environment.php api/src/environments/Environment.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\environments Define autoload class.
EnvironmentTest.php api/tests/src/Unit/environments/EnvironmentTest.php Drupal\Tests\realistic_dummy_content_api\Unit\environments Define autoload class.
Exception.php api/src/loggers/Exception.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\loggers Define autoload class.
Field.php api/src/attributes/Field.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\attributes Define autoload class.
FieldModifier.php api/src/manipulators/FieldModifier.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\manipulators Define autoload class.
FileGroup.php api/src/environments/FileGroup.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\environments Define autoload class.
Generator.php api/src/generators/Generator.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\generators Define autoload class.
ImageField.php api/src/attributes/ImageField.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\attributes Define autoload class.
ipsum.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/ipsum.txt Ipsum <strong>ipsum dolor sit amet</strong> <em>consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation…
ipsum.txt.format.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/ipsum.txt.format.txt full_html
LiveEnvironment.php api/src/environments/LiveEnvironment.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\environments Define autoload class.
Log.php api/src/loggers/Log.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\loggers Define autoload class.
lorem.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/article/body/lorem.txt dcycle/ #!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne "1" ] then echo "Please supply exactly one argument, not $#" echo "" echo "Usage:" echo "" echo "Mirrors this git repo from one location… dcycle/lib/ echo -e "[ >>] Start of script $0 (from $(pwd))" # Make sure errors propagate throughout the script set -e if [ "$(dirname $0)" != "./dcycle/lib" ];then echo -e "[error] The folder dcycle and its contents…
Property.php api/src/attributes/Property.php Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\attributes Define autoload class.
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/README.txt This folder contains replacement data to make generated elements more realistic. It also can contain a "recipe" subfolder which contains a recipe for generating dummy content (the order and number of each item to create). The only other…
README.txt dcycle/README.txt This directory contains scripts used to set up dev and testing environments with Docker. These scripts are meant for developers of realistic_dummy_content, not for users or site developers. Usage * Install a CoreOS instance (using Vagrant for…
README.txt api/README.txt This directory contains the Realistic Dummy Content API (realistic_dummy_content_api) module. It does not do anything by itself, but allows other modules to define a directory structure similar to that in the Realistic Dummy Content…
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/README.txt Every module can have a `realistic_dummy_content` folder. Realistic Dummy Content API will look for this folder to find content with which to replace stock generated content for fields in entities of various bundles and types.
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/recipe/README.txt This folder contains replacement data to make generated elements more realistic. It also can contain a "recipe" subfolder which contains a recipe for generating dummy content (the order and number of each item to create). The only other…
README.txt api/tests/README.txt This folder structure is required for unit tests. Tests that require the database and/or the browser should go in src/Tests/
README.txt api/src/README.txt This directory contains classes which are autoloaded. * Each filename but be ClassName.php * Files herein can be used as \ClassName * ClassName's file must declare its namespace as namespace Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api;
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/node/README.txt The files herein are used by Realistic dummy content to replace generated content for fields in entities of type node. There will be subdirectories in here, one for each "bundle" (or content type).
README.txt realistic_dummy_content/fields/user/README.txt The files herein are used by Realistic dummy content to replace generated content for fields in entities of type user. In the case of users, the entity type `user` contains only one bundle, also called `user`. Therefore this directory will contain…
README.txt api/tests/src/README.txt This folder structure is required for unit tests. Tests that require the database and/or the browser should go in src/Tests/
README.txt api/src/recipes/README.txt Code related to recipes. Each site can define a recipe to create the number of dummy elements and the order in which to create them.
README.txt api/src/Tests/README.txt These are tests which require the database and/or browse calls. Unit tests are in tests/src/Unit/ The tests herein must be subclasses of WebTestBase and declare their namespace as namespace Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Tests; They can then be…
README.txt api/src/attributes/README.txt Attributes are properties and fields. Elements can have multiple properties. Fields are one kind of attribute, properties are another. Both can be modified here.


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