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function _rdfx_get_vocabulary_details in RDF Extensions 7.2

1 call to _rdfx_get_vocabulary_details()
_rdfx_extract_schema in ./
Queries a set of triples for classes and properties, and builds an associative array describing the vocabulary and any classes and properties found.


./, line 594
Functions for managing RDF Terms.


function _rdfx_get_vocabulary_details(&$model, $ns_uri) {
  $query_predicates = array(
    'title' => array(
    'description' => array(
  if (substr($ns_uri, -1) == '#') {
    $uri = substr($ns_uri, 0, -1);
  foreach ($query_predicates as $query_element => $predicates) {
    foreach ($predicates as $predicate) {
      $queries[$query_element][] = array(

      //       if ($uri !== NULL) {
      //         $queries[$query_element][] = array($uri, $predicate, '?');
      //       }
    $details[$query_element] = _rdfx_query_find_literal($model, $queries[$query_element]);
  return $details;