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function _rdfx_query_find_literal in RDF Extensions 7.2

2 calls to _rdfx_query_find_literal()
_evoc_query_for_term_description in evoc/
_rdfx_get_vocabulary_details in ./


./, line 17
Functions for querying with SPARQL or extracting triples from an ARC2-style data structure.


function _rdfx_query_find_literal(&$model, $queries) {
  $literal = array();
  foreach ($queries as $query) {
    list($s, $p, $o) = $query;
    $triples = _rdfx_query_find_all($model, $s, $p, $o);

    // We create an associative array based on the language code of the
    // literal. The language codes Drupal uses are specified in includes/
    foreach ($triples as $triple) {
      if ($triple['o_lang'] !== '') {

        // Chinese and Portuguese are the only languages with a >2 letter
        // langcode.
        if (preg_match('/(zh-hans)|(zh-hant)|(pt-pt)|(pt-br)/', $triple['o_lang'])) {
          $langcode = $triple['o_lang'];
        else {
          $lang_array = explode('-', $triple['o_lang']);
          $langcode = !empty($lang_array[0]) ? $lang_array[0] : $triple['o_lang'];
      else {
        $langcode = 'und';
      $literal[$langcode] = $triple['o'];
  return $literal;