You are here in Quiz 7.5

User pages.

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 * @file
 * User pages.

 * Show result page for a given result id.
 * @param $result_id
 *  Result id.
function quiz_user_results($result_id) {
  $quiz_result = quiz_result_load($result_id);
  $view = entity_view('quiz_result', array(
  if ($quiz_result->is_invalid) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Your previous score on this @quiz was equal or better. This result will not be saved.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
    )), 'warning');
  return $view;

 * Submit the report form.
function quiz_report_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  global $user;
  $quiz_result = $form_state['quiz_result'];
  $quiz = node_load($quiz_result->nid, $quiz_result->vid);
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['question'])) {
    foreach ($form_state['values']['question'] as $key => $q_values) {
      $question_node = node_load($q_values['nid'], $q_values['vid']);
      $instance = _quiz_question_response_get_instance($quiz_result->result_id, $question_node);
      if ($instance
        ->getReportFormSubmit()) {
        $q_values['quiz'] = node_load($quiz_result->nid, $quiz_result->vid);
          ->getReportFormSubmit(), $q_values);

    // Scores may have been changed. We take the necessary actions.
    $results_got_deleted = _quiz_maintain_results($quiz, $quiz_result->result_id);

    // Notify the user if results got deleted as a result of him scoring an
    // answer.
    $add = $quiz->keep_results == QUIZ_KEEP_BEST && $results_got_deleted ? ' ' . t('Note that this @quiz is set to only keep each users best answer.', array(
      '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
    )) : '';
    $score_data = quiz_get_score_array($quiz_result->result_id, $quiz->vid, TRUE);
    module_invoke_all('quiz_scored', $quiz, $score_data, $quiz_result->result_id);
    drupal_set_message(t('The scoring data you provided has been saved.') . $add);

 * Helper function to remove the message saying the quiz haven't been scored.
function _quiz_remove_unscored_message() {
  if (!empty($_SESSION['messages']['warning'])) {

    // Search for the message, and remove it if we find it.
    foreach ($_SESSION['messages']['warning'] as $key => $val) {
      if ($val == t('This @quiz has not been scored yet.', array(
        '@quiz' => QUIZ_NAME,
      ))) {

    // Clean up if the message array was left empty.
    if (empty($_SESSION['messages']['warning'])) {
      if (empty($_SESSION['messages'])) {

 * Returns an array of score information for a quiz.
 * @param unknown_type $result_id
 * @param unknown_type $quiz_vid
 * @param unknown_type $is_evaluated
function quiz_get_score_array($result_id, $quiz_vid, $is_evaluated) {
  $properties = db_query('SELECT max_score, number_of_random_questions
          FROM {quiz_node_properties}
          WHERE vid = :vid', array(
    ':vid' => $quiz_vid,
  $total_score = db_query('SELECT SUM(points_awarded)
          FROM {quiz_node_results_answers}
          WHERE result_id = :result_id', array(
    ':result_id' => $result_id,
  return array(
    'question_count' => $properties->number_of_random_questions + quiz_get_number_of_questions($quiz_vid, $result_id),
    'possible_score' => $properties->max_score,
    'numeric_score' => $total_score,
    'percentage_score' => $properties->max_score == 0 ? 0 : round($total_score * 100 / $properties->max_score),
    'is_evaluated' => $is_evaluated,


Namesort descending Description
quiz_get_score_array Returns an array of score information for a quiz.
quiz_report_form_submit Submit the report form.
quiz_user_results Show result page for a given result id.
_quiz_remove_unscored_message Helper function to remove the message saying the quiz haven't been scored.