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function hook_quiz_scored in Quiz 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.6 quiz.api.php \hook_quiz_scored()
  2. 8.5 quiz.api.php \hook_quiz_scored()
  3. 7.6 quiz.api.php \hook_quiz_scored()

Implements hook_quiz_scored().

Fired when a quiz is evaluated.


Use hook_quiz_result_update().

2 invocations of hook_quiz_scored()
quiz_report_form_submit in ./
Submit the report form.
quiz_update_total_score in ./quiz.module
Update a score for a quiz.


./quiz.api.php, line 64
quiz.api.php Hooks provided by Quiz module.


function hook_quiz_scored($quiz, $score, $result_id) {