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constant QUIZ_NAME in Quiz 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  2. 5.2 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  3. 5 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  4. 6.6 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  5. 6.2 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  6. 6.3 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  7. 6.4 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  8. 6.5 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  9. 7.6 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  10. 7 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME
  11. 7.4 quiz.module \QUIZ_NAME

Quiz name.

34 uses of QUIZ_NAME
MultichoiceQuestion::getCreationForm in question_types/multichoice/
Implementation of getCreationForm().
QuizQuestion::getNodeForm in question_types/quiz_question/
Returns a node form to quiz_question_form.
QuizQuestion::saveRelationships in question_types/quiz_question/
Save this Question to the specified Quiz.
QuizResult::defaultLabel in includes/
Get the label for this quiz result.
QuizResultController::buildContent in includes/
Implements EntityAPIControllerInterface.

... See full list


./quiz.module, line 20
quiz.module Main file for the Quiz module.


define('QUIZ_NAME', _quiz_get_quiz_name());