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long_answer.test in Quiz 7.4

Unit tests for the long_answer Module.


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 * Unit tests for the long_answer Module.
 * @file
class LongAnswerUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {

  // intializing attributes
  var $question_node_type = 'long_answer';
  var $nid1 = NULL;
  var $max_score = 1234;

  // Impossible value, given max limit of 3 digits.
  var $title = '';
  var $body = '';

  // used to generate a string of random size
  var $rand_min = 1;
  var $rand_max = 256;

  // member functions definition starts here

   * The getInfo() method provides information about the test.
   * In order for the test to be run, the getInfo() method needs
   * to be implemented.
  public function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Long answer unit test'),
      'description' => t('Suite of unit tests for verifying functionality for essay question functions.'),
      'group' => t('Quiz'),

   * @function
   *   generates a rand integer between the specified range
   * @return
   *   random Integer value
  public function getRandSize() {
    return rand($this->min, $this->max);

   * Implementing setUp() to enable truefalse module testing
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('taxonomy', 'quiz', 'views', 'autoload', 'multichoice', 'quiz_directions', 'quiz_question', 'querypath', 'questions_import', 'short_answer', 'truefalse', 'long_answer', 'matching', 'questions_export');

    // Create and log in our test user. Should be cleaned up as I something
    // was wrong with permissions and I basically kept adding potentially
    // useful ones until it worked.
    $permission = array(
      'administer site configuration',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer quiz',
      'access quiz',
      'administer blocks',
      'import questions',
      'create quiz content',
      'administer quiz configuration',
      'use PHP for block visibility',
      'administer blocks',
      'create multichoice',
      'edit any multichoice',
      'administer taxonomy',
      'allow multiple correct answers',
      'allow any number of answers',
      'export questions',

    // create user with a set of permission
    $user = $this
      ->assertTrue(is_object, t('Check that user has been created with specified permission.'));

    // create one quiz, which will be the default in the import form
    $quiz_settings = array();
    $quiz_settings['title'] = $this
    $quiz_settings['comment'] = $this
    $quiz_settings['type'] = 'quiz';


  //public function testModuleIsEnabled() {

  //  $this->assertTrue(in_array('long_answer', module_list(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)), t('Test that module is installed.'));


   * Check that hook_quiz_question_info is working.
  public function testLongAnswerQuizQuestionInfo() {
    $info = long_answer_quiz_question_info();
      ->assertEqual(count($info), 1, t('Check that info was returned.'));
      ->assertTrue(isset($info['long_answer']), t('Check that long answer question type exists.'));

   * Utility function for creating a new test question.
  public function createLongAnswerQuestion() {
    $this->title = $this
    $this->body = $this
    $this->max_score = $this

    // array of node attributes
    $settings = array(
      'type' => $this->question_node_type,
      'title' => $this->title,
      'body' => $this->body,
      'maximum_score' => $this->max_score,
      'revisions' => TRUE,

    // create test drupal node
    return $this

  public function createQuiz() {
    $title = 'Test Quiz';
    $body = 'This is a sample quiz.';
    $settings = array(
      'type' => 'quiz',
      'title' => $title,
      'body' => $body,
      'revisions' => TRUE,

    $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings);

    return $node;

   * Run a bundle of Node API tests.
   * This tests CRUD and revision functionality on a single node.
  public function testNodeAPI() {

    // Revisions

   * Create and then update a node.
  public function unitTestCreateQuestionNode() {
    $node = $this
    if (!$node) {
      throw new Exception('Expected to have a node to work with.');
    $this->nid1 = $node->nid;
      ->assertTrue(!empty($node->title), t('check that node title is not empty @title', array(
      '@title' => $node->title,
      ->assertTrue(!empty($this->title), t('check that original title is not empty @title', array(
      '@title' => $this->title,
      ->assertEqual(strlen($node->title), strlen($this->title), t('check that length of original title and stored title are same.'));
      ->assertEqual($node->title, $this->title, t('Title of stored node should equal the original title.'));
      ->assertEqual($node->body, $this->body, t('Body of stored node should be equal to original body.'));
      ->assertEqual($node->maximum_score, $this->max_score, t('Stored score should be the same as original score.'));
      ->assertEqual($node->type, $this->question_node_type, t('Stored node type should be long_answer'));

   * Test that the appropriate data was stored in the node properties table.
  public function unitTestCheckNodeProperties() {
    $max = db_result(db_query('SELECT maximum_score FROM {quiz_long_answer_node_properties} WHERE nid = %d', $this->nid1));
      ->assertEqual($max, $this->max_score, t('Test that max score was appropriately stored in database.'));

   * Check that question exists in DB.
  public function unitTestListQuestions() {
    $questions = long_answer_questions_list();
      ->assertEqual(count($questions), 1, t('Verify that the question exists.'));

   * Test updating of a question.
  public function unitTestUpdateQuestionNode() {
    $newScore = 2;
    $node = node_load($this->nid1);
    $node->maximum_score = $newScore;
    $nodeCopy = node_load($node->nid, $node->vid);
      ->assertEqual($nodeCopy->maximum_score, $newScore, t('Check that stored score is the same as newly assigned score.'));

   * Test creation of node revision.
  public function unitTestCreateQuestionRevision() {
    $node = node_load($this->nid1);
    $oldVid = $node->vid;
    $node->revision = 1;
    $oldMax = $node->maximum_score;
    $nodeCopy = node_load($node->nid, $node->vid);
      ->assertNotEqual($nodeCopy->vid, $oldVid, t('Check that VID of new version is not the same as old VID.'));
      ->assertEqual($oldMax, $nodeCopy->maximum_score, t('Check that new VID has an entry in node properties.'));

   * Test deeting of question node.
  public function unitTestDeleteQuestionNode() {
    $node = node_load($this->nid1);
    if ($node === FALSE) {
      throw new Exception("Expected fixture to have valid nid1");
    $node = node_load($this->nid);
      ->assertFalse($node, t('Test that node was deleted'));

   * The main callback for answering a question.
  public function testEvaluateQuestion() {

    //$result = long_answer_evaluate_question($question, 1);

    //$this->assertTrue((count($result) > 0), t('See if a result was returned from the evaluator.'));

    //$this->assertEqual($result->is_correct, 0, t('Test that answer was not marked correct.'));

   * Test suite to write, update and delete answers.
  public function testSaveDeleteScoreAnswer() {






   * Test saving an answer.
  public function unitTestSaveAnswer() {

    //$answer_id = long_answer_save_answer(1, 1, 1, 'THIS IS A TEST ANSWER');

    // FIXME: This should just select * from the table and check to make sure there is an entry.
    // We should not assume IDs are serial.

    //$this->assertEqual($answer_id, 1, 'Answer ID is set to 1 -- first answer');

   * Test modifying (scoring) an answer.
  public function unitTestScoreAnswer() {
    $change = long_answer_score_an_answer(1, 1, 1, 30);
      ->assertEqual($change, 1, t('Only one row was changed.'));
    $unanswered = long_answer_get_all_unscored_answers();
      ->assertEqual(count($unanswered), 0, t('There should be no unscored questions.'));
  public function unitTestGetAnswer() {
    $answer = long_answer_get_answer(1, 1, 1);
      ->assertTrue($answer !== FALSE, t('Check that an answer was returned.'));
      ->assertEqual($answer['is_evaluated'], 1, t('Check that answer is scored.'));
      ->assertEqual($answer['answer_id'], 1, t('Check that this is first answer'));
      ->assertEqual($answer['answer'], 'THIS IS A TEST ANSWER', t('Check that answer text is expected.'));

   * Test deleting an answer.
  public function unitTestDeleteAnswer() {

    //$removed = long_answer_delete_answer(1, 1, 1);

    //$this->assertEqual($removed, 1, t('A single answer should be deleted.'));
  public function unitTestGetUnscoredAnswers() {
    $unanswered = long_answer_get_all_unscored_answers();
    drupal_set_message(__FUNCTION__ . ' Unanswered: ' . count($unanswered));
      ->assertEqual(count($unanswered), 1, t('There should be only one unanswered question in *all* questions.'));
    $unanswered = long_answer_get_unscored_answers_by_question(1, 1);
      ->assertEqual(count($unanswered), 1, t('There should be only one unanswered question for the quiz.'));


// Functional tests are a pain in the butt when it comes to creating new nodes.
class LongAnswerFunctionalTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Long answer quiz question functional tests.'),
      'description' => t('Suite of functional tests for verifying functionality for essay questions.'),
      'group' => t('Quiz'),

  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('quiz', 'views', 'long_answer');

  public function testEditScore() {
    $node = $this->createLongAnswerQuestion();
    $rid = 1;
    $answer_text = 'This is a test answer';
    $answer_id = long_answer_save_answer($node->nid, $node->vid, $rid, $answer_text);

    $form = long_answer_edit_score($node->vid, $rid);


    $pattern = '|' . $answer_text . '|';
    $this->assertText($form['answer']['#value'], check_markup($answer->answer), t('Test that answer was correctly loaded'));

  public function testCreateQuestion() {
    $path = 'node/add/long-answer';
    $submit = 'Save';

    $data = array(


  public function testModifyQuestion() {


  public function testAnswerQuestion() {


  public function testScoringQuestion() {



Namesort descending Description
LongAnswerUnitTest Unit tests for the long_answer Module. @file