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function autoload in Autoload 7.2

Returns the autoloading class map of a settled autoloader.


bool $rebuild: Tells whether the autoloading class map has to be rebuilt.

Return value

\AutoloadCache The autoloading class map.

3 calls to autoload()
autoload.module in ./autoload.module
CustomTest::test in src/Tests/Unit/CustomTest.php
drush_autoload_rebuild in ./
Implements drush_COMMAND().
3 string references to 'autoload'
AutoloadTestBase::setUp in src/Tests/Unit/AutoloadTestBase.php
CacheTest::test in src/Tests/Unit/CacheTest.php
Tests the autoloading cache.
drush_autoload_rebuild in ./
Implements drush_COMMAND().


./autoload.module, line 21


function autoload($rebuild = FALSE) {
  static $callback;
  $map =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (NULL === $map) {
    $map = new \AutoloadCache(variable_get('autoload_file', sprintf('%s/%s.php', DRUPAL_ROOT, __FUNCTION__)));

    // Assume the autoloading mapping needs to re-registered if someone
    // requires this.
    $callback = NULL;
  if ($rebuild) {
    if (NULL !== $callback && spl_autoload_unregister($callback)) {

      // Our autoloader has been deregistered and its updated state needs
      // to be registered repeatedly.
      $callback = NULL;
  if (NULL === $callback) {

    // Do not set an autoloading callback in a case when something went wrong.
    // An exception might be thrown during module installation when no database
    // schema available yet.
    try {
      $modules = module_list();
      $callback = function ($namespace) use ($map, $modules) {
        if (isset($map[$namespace])) {

          // Report about the problem but load class in any way.
          if (!isset($modules[$map[$namespace]['provider']]) && 'cli' !== PHP_SAPI) {
            trigger_error(sprintf('You are autoloading the "%s", provided by "%s" that is currently disabled!', $namespace, $map[$namespace]['provider']), E_USER_WARNING);

          // The "DRUPAL_ROOT" constant is not prepended to allow including
          // files relative to the Drupal root as well as those, that are
          // located outside.
          require_once $map[$namespace]['file'];

      // Make this autoloader first to omit execution of Drupal ones.
      spl_autoload_register($callback, TRUE, TRUE);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
  return $map;