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long_answer.test in Quiz 6.5

Unit tests for the long_answer Module.


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 * Unit tests for the long_answer Module.
 * @file
class LongAnswerUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  var $question_node_type = 'long_answer';
  var $nid1 = NULL;
  var $max_score = 1234;

  // Impossible value, given max limit of 3 digits.
  var $title = '';
  var $body = '';
  public function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Long answer unit tests.'),
      'description' => t('Suite of unit tests for verifying functionality for essay question functions.'),
      'group' => t('Quiz'),
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('quiz', 'views', 'long_answer');

  //public function testModuleIsEnabled() {

  //  $this->assertTrue(in_array('long_answer', module_list(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)), t('Test that module is installed.'));


   * Check that hook_quiz_question_info is working.
  public function testQuizQuestionInfo() {
    $info = long_answer_quiz_question_info();
      ->assertEqual(count($info), 1, t('Check that info was returned.'));
      ->assertTrue(isset($info['long_answer']), t('Check that long answer question type exists.'));

   * Utility function for creating a new test question.
  public function createLongAnswerQuestion() {
    $this->title = 'Long Answer Question';
    $this->body = 'This is a question?';
    $this->max_score = 999;
    $settings = array(
      'type' => $this->question_node_type,
      'title' => $this->title,
      'body' => $this->body,
      'maximum_score' => $this->max_score,
      'revisions' => TRUE,
    $node = $this
    return $node;

  public function createQuiz() {
    $title = 'Test Quiz';
    $body = 'This is a sample quiz.';
    $settings = array(
      'type' => 'quiz',
      'title' => $title,
      'body' => $body,
      'revisions' => TRUE,

    $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings);

    return $node;

   * Run a bundle of Node API tests.
   * This tests CRUD and revision functionality on a single node.
  public function testNodeAPI() {

    // Revisions

   * Create and then update a node.
  public function unitTestCreateQuestionNode() {
    $node = $this
    if (!$node) {
      throw new Exception('Expected to have a node to work with.');
    $this->nid1 = $node->nid;
      ->assertEqual($node->title, $this->title, t('Title of stored node should equal the original title.'));
      ->assertEqual($node->body, $this->body, t('Body of stored node should be equal to original body.'));
      ->assertEqual($node->maximum_score, $this->max_score, t('Stored score should be the same as original score.'));
      ->assertEqual($node->type, $this->question_node_type, t('Stored node type should be long_answer'));

   * Test that the appropriate data was stored in the node properties table.
  public function unitTestCheckNodeProperties() {
    $max = db_result(db_query('SELECT maximum_score FROM {quiz_long_answer_node_properties} WHERE nid = %d', $this->nid1));
      ->assertEqual($max, $this->max_score, t('Test that max score was appropriately stored in database.'));

   * Check that question exists in DB.
  public function unitTestListQuestions() {
    $questions = long_answer_list_questions();
    drupal_set_message("Question Count: " . count($questions));
      ->assertEqual(count($questions), 1, t('Verify that the question exists.'));

   * Test updating of a question.
  public function unitTestUpdateQuestionNode() {
    $newScore = 2;
    $node = node_load($this->nid1);
    $node->maximum_score = $newScore;
    $nodeCopy = node_load($node->nid, $node->vid);
      ->assertEqual($nodeCopy->maximum_score, $newScore, t('Check that stored score is the same as newly assigned score.'));

   * Test creation of node revision.
  public function unitTestCreateQuestionRevision() {
    $node = node_load($this->nid1);
    $oldVid = $node->vid;
    $node->revision = 1;
    $oldMax = $node->maximum_score;
    $nodeCopy = node_load($node->nid, $node->vid);
      ->assertNotEqual($nodeCopy->vid, $oldVid, t('Check that VID of new version is not the same as old VID.'));
      ->assertEqual($oldMax, $nodeCopy->maximum_score, t('Check that new VID has an entry in node properties.'));

   * Test deeting of question node.
  public function unitTestDeleteQuestionNode() {
    $node = node_load($this->nid1);
    if ($node === FALSE) {
      throw new Exception("Expected fixture to have valid nid1");
    $node = node_load($this->nid);
      ->assertFalse($node, t('Test that node was deleted'));

   * The main callback for answering a question.
  public function testEvaluateQuestion() {
    $result = long_answer_evaluate_question($question, 1);
      ->assertTrue(count($result) > 0, t('See if a result was returned from the evaluator.'));
      ->assertEqual($result->is_correct, 0, t('Test that answer was not marked correct.'));

   * Test suite to write, update and delete answers.
  public function testSaveDeleteScoreAnswer() {

   * Test saving an answer.
  public function unitTestSaveAnswer() {
    $answer_id = long_answer_save_answer(1, 1, 1, 'THIS IS A TEST ANSWER');

    // FIXME: This should just select * from the table and check to make sure there is an entry.
    // We should not assume IDs are serial.
      ->assertEqual($answer_id, 1, 'Answer ID is set to 1 -- first answer');

   * Test modifying (scoring) an answer.
  public function unitTestScoreAnswer() {
    $change = long_answer_score_an_answer(1, 1, 1, 30);
      ->assertEqual($change, 1, t('Only one row was changed.'));
    $unanswered = long_answer_get_all_unscored_answers();
      ->assertEqual(count($unanswered), 0, t('There should be no unscored questions.'));
  public function unitTestGetAnswer() {
    $answer = long_answer_get_answer(1, 1, 1);
      ->assertTrue($answer !== FALSE, t('Check that an answer was returned.'));
      ->assertEqual($answer['is_evaluated'], 1, t('Check that answer is scored.'));
      ->assertEqual($answer['answer_id'], 1, t('Check that this is first answer'));
      ->assertEqual($answer['answer'], 'THIS IS A TEST ANSWER', t('Check that answer text is expected.'));

   * Test deleting an answer.
  public function unitTestDeleteAnswer() {
    $removed = long_answer_delete_answer(1, 1, 1);
      ->assertEqual($removed, 1, t('A single answer should be deleted.'));
  public function unitTestGetUnscoredAnswers() {
    $unanswered = long_answer_get_all_unscored_answers();
    drupal_set_message(__FUNCTION__ . ' Unanswered: ' . count($unanswered));
      ->assertEqual(count($unanswered), 1, t('There should be only one unanswered question in *all* questions.'));
    $unanswered = long_answer_get_unscored_answers_by_question(1, 1);
      ->assertEqual(count($unanswered), 1, t('There should be only one unanswered question for the quiz.'));


// Functional tests are a pain in the butt when it comes to creating new nodes.
class LongAnswerFunctionalTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Long answer quiz question functional tests.'),
      'description' => t('Suite of functional tests for verifying functionality for essay questions.'),
      'group' => t('Quiz'),

  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('quiz', 'views', 'long_answer');

  public function testEditScore() {
    $node = $this->createLongAnswerQuestion();
    $rid = 1;
    $answer_text = 'This is a test answer';
    $answer_id = long_answer_save_answer($node->nid, $node->vid, $rid, $answer_text);

    $form = long_answer_edit_score($node->vid, $rid);


    $pattern = '|' . $answer_text . '|';
    $this->assertText($form['answer']['#value'], check_markup($answer->answer), t('Test that answer was correctly loaded'));

  public function testCreateQuestion() {
    $path = 'node/add/long-answer';
    $submit = 'Save';

    $data = array(


  public function testModifyQuestion() {


  public function testAnswerQuestion() {


  public function testScoringQuestion() {



Namesort descending Description
LongAnswerUnitTest Unit tests for the long_answer Module. @file