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class qformat_gift in Quiz 6.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.6 includes/moodle/question/format/gift/format.php \qformat_gift

@package questionbank @subpackage importexport


Expanded class hierarchy of qformat_gift

1 string reference to 'qformat_gift'
qformat_gift::writequestion in includes/moodle/question/format/gift/format.php
convert a single question object into text output in the given format. This must be overriden


includes/moodle/question/format/gift/format.php, line 38

View source
class qformat_gift extends qformat_default {
  function provide_import() {
    return true;
  function provide_export() {
    return true;
  function answerweightparser(&$answer) {
    $answer = substr($answer, 1);

    // removes initial %
    $end_position = strpos($answer, "%");
    $answer_weight = substr($answer, 0, $end_position);

    // gets weight as integer
    $answer_weight = $answer_weight / 100;

    // converts to percent
    $answer = substr($answer, $end_position + 1);

    // removes comment from answer
    return $answer_weight;
  function commentparser(&$answer) {
    if (strpos($answer, "#") > 0) {
      $hashpos = strpos($answer, "#");
      $comment = substr($answer, $hashpos + 1);
      $comment = addslashes(trim($this
      $answer = substr($answer, 0, $hashpos);
    else {
      $comment = " ";
    return $comment;
  function split_truefalse_comment($comment) {

    // splits up comment around # marks
    // returns an array of true/false feedback
    $bits = explode('#', $comment);
    $feedback = array(
      'wrong' => $bits[0],
    if (count($bits) >= 2) {
      $feedback['right'] = $bits[1];
    else {
      $feedback['right'] = '';
    return $feedback;
  function escapedchar_pre($string) {

    //Replaces escaped control characters with a placeholder BEFORE processing
    $escapedcharacters = array(

    $placeholders = array(

    $string = str_replace("\\\\", "&&092;", $string);
    $string = str_replace($escapedcharacters, $placeholders, $string);
    $string = str_replace("&&092;", "\\", $string);
    return $string;
  function escapedchar_post($string) {

    //Replaces placeholders with corresponding character AFTER processing is done
    $placeholders = array(

    $characters = array(

    $string = str_replace($placeholders, $characters, $string);
    return $string;
  function check_answer_count($min, $answers, $text) {
    $countanswers = count($answers);
    if ($countanswers < $min) {
      $importminerror = get_string('importminerror', 'quiz');
        ->error($importminerror, $text);
      return false;
    return true;
  function readquestion($lines) {

    // Given an array of lines known to define a question in this format, this function
    // converts it into a question object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle.
    $question = $this
    $comment = NULL;

    // define replaced by simple assignment, stop redefine notices
    $gift_answerweight_regex = "^%\\-*([0-9]{1,2})\\.?([0-9]*)%";

    foreach ($lines as $key => $line) {
      $line = trim($line);
      if (substr($line, 0, 2) == "//") {
        $lines[$key] = " ";
    $text = trim(implode(" ", $lines));
    if ($text == "") {
      return false;

    // Substitute escaped control characters with placeholders
    $text = $this

    // Look for category modifier
    if (ereg('^\\$CATEGORY:', $text)) {

      // $newcategory = $matches[1];
      $newcategory = trim(substr($text, 10));

      // build fake question to contain category
      $question->qtype = 'category';
      $question->category = $newcategory;
      return $question;

    // QUESTION NAME parser
    if (substr($text, 0, 2) == "::") {
      $text = substr($text, 2);
      $namefinish = strpos($text, "::");
      if ($namefinish === false) {
        $question->name = false;

        // name will be assigned after processing question text below
      else {
        $questionname = substr($text, 0, $namefinish);
        $question->name = addslashes(trim($this
        $text = trim(substr($text, $namefinish + 2));

        // Remove name from text
    else {
      $question->name = false;

    // FIND ANSWER section
    // no answer means its a description
    $answerstart = strpos($text, "{");
    $answerfinish = strpos($text, "}");
    $description = false;
    if ($answerstart === false and $answerfinish === false) {
      $description = true;
      $answertext = '';
      $answerlength = 0;
    elseif (!($answerstart !== false and $answerfinish !== false)) {
        ->error(get_string('braceerror', 'quiz'), $text);
      return false;
    else {
      $answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart;
      $answertext = trim(substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1));

    // Format QUESTION TEXT without answer, inserting "_____" as necessary
    if ($description) {
      $questiontext = $text;
    elseif (substr($text, -1) == "}") {

      // no blank line if answers follow question, outside of closing punctuation
      $questiontext = substr_replace($text, "", $answerstart, $answerlength + 1);
    else {

      // inserts blank line for missing word format
      $questiontext = substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength + 1);

    // get questiontext format from questiontext
    $oldquestiontext = $questiontext;
    $questiontextformat = 0;
    if (substr($questiontext, 0, 1) == '[') {
      $questiontext = substr($questiontext, 1);
      $rh_brace = strpos($questiontext, ']');
      $qtformat = substr($questiontext, 0, $rh_brace);
      $questiontext = substr($questiontext, $rh_brace + 1);
      if (!($questiontextformat = text_format_name($qtformat))) {
        $questiontext = $oldquestiontext;
    $question->questiontextformat = $questiontextformat;
    $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim($this

    // set question name if not already set
    if ($question->name === false) {
      $question->name = $question->questiontext;

    // ensure name is not longer than 250 characters

    //$question->name = shorten_text( $question->name, 200 );
    $question->name = substr($question->name, 0, 200);
    $question->name = strip_tags(substr($question->name, 0, 250));

    // determine QUESTION TYPE
    $question->qtype = NULL;

    // give plugins first try
    // plugins must promise not to intercept standard qtypes
    // MDL-12346, this could be called from lesson mod which has its own base class =(
    if (method_exists($this, 'try_importing_using_qtypes') && ($try_question = $this
      ->try_importing_using_qtypes($lines, $question, $answertext))) {
      return $try_question;
    if ($description) {
      $question->qtype = DESCRIPTION;
    elseif ($answertext == '') {
      $question->qtype = ESSAY;
    elseif ($answertext[0] == "#") {
      $question->qtype = NUMERICAL;
    elseif (strpos($answertext, "~") !== false) {

      // only Multiplechoice questions contain tilde ~
      $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE;
    elseif (strpos($answertext, "=") !== false && strpos($answertext, "->") !== false) {

      // only Matching contains both = and ->
      $question->qtype = MATCH;
    else {

      // either TRUEFALSE or SHORTANSWER
      // TRUEFALSE question check
      $truefalse_check = $answertext;
      if (strpos($answertext, "#") > 0) {

        // strip comments to check for TrueFalse question
        $truefalse_check = trim(substr($answertext, 0, strpos($answertext, "#")));
      $valid_tf_answers = array(
      if (in_array($truefalse_check, $valid_tf_answers)) {
        $question->qtype = TRUEFALSE;
      else {

        // Must be SHORTANSWER
        $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER;
    if (!isset($question->qtype)) {
      $giftqtypenotset = get_string('giftqtypenotset', 'quiz');
        ->error($giftqtypenotset, $text);
      return false;
    switch ($question->qtype) {
      case DESCRIPTION:
        $question->defaultgrade = 0;
        $question->length = 0;
        return $question;
      case ESSAY:
        $question->feedback = '';
        $question->fraction = 0;
        return $question;
      case MULTICHOICE:
        if (strpos($answertext, "=") === false) {
          $question->single = 0;

          // multiple answers are enabled if no single answer is 100% correct
        else {
          $question->single = 1;

          // only one answer allowed (the default)
        $answertext = str_replace("=", "~=", $answertext);
        $answers = explode("~", $answertext);
        if (isset($answers[0])) {
          $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]);
        if (empty($answers[0])) {
        $countanswers = count($answers);
        if (!$this
          ->check_answer_count(2, $answers, $text)) {
          return false;
        foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
          $answer = trim($answer);

          // determine answer weight
          if ($answer[0] == "=") {
            $answer_weight = 1;
            $answer = substr($answer, 1);
          elseif (ereg($gift_answerweight_regex, $answer)) {

            // check for properly formatted answer weight
            $answer_weight = $this
          else {

            //default, i.e., wrong anwer
            $answer_weight = 0;
          $question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight;
          $question->feedback[$key] = $this

          // commentparser also removes comment from $answer
          $question->answer[$key] = addslashes($this
          $question->correctfeedback = '';
          $question->partiallycorrectfeedback = '';
          $question->incorrectfeedback = '';

        // end foreach answer

        //$question->defaultgrade = 1;

        //$question->image = "";   // No images with this format
        return $question;
      case MATCH:
        $answers = explode("=", $answertext);
        if (isset($answers[0])) {
          $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]);
        if (empty($answers[0])) {
        if (!$this
          ->check_answer_count(2, $answers, $text)) {
          return false;
        foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
          $answer = trim($answer);
          if (strpos($answer, "->") === false) {
            $giftmatchingformat = get_string('giftmatchingformat', 'quiz');
              ->error($giftmatchingformat, $answer);
            return false;
            break 2;
          $marker = strpos($answer, "->");
          $question->subquestions[$key] = addslashes(trim($this
            ->escapedchar_post(substr($answer, 0, $marker))));
          $question->subanswers[$key] = addslashes(trim($this
            ->escapedchar_post(substr($answer, $marker + 2))));

        // end foreach answer
        return $question;
      case TRUEFALSE:
        $answer = $answertext;
        $comment = $this

        // commentparser also removes comment from $answer
        $feedback = $this
        if ($answer == "T" or $answer == "TRUE") {
          $question->answer = 1;
          $question->feedbacktrue = $feedback['right'];
          $question->feedbackfalse = $feedback['wrong'];
        else {
          $question->answer = 0;
          $question->feedbackfalse = $feedback['right'];
          $question->feedbacktrue = $feedback['wrong'];
        $question->penalty = 1;
        $question->correctanswer = $question->answer;
        return $question;
      case SHORTANSWER:

        // SHORTANSWER Question
        $answers = explode("=", $answertext);
        if (isset($answers[0])) {
          $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]);
        if (empty($answers[0])) {
        if (!$this
          ->check_answer_count(1, $answers, $text)) {
          return false;
        foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
          $answer = trim($answer);

          // Answer Weight
          if (ereg($gift_answerweight_regex, $answer)) {

            // check for properly formatted answer weight
            $answer_weight = $this
          else {

            //default, i.e., full-credit anwer
            $answer_weight = 1;
          $question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight;
          $question->feedback[$key] = $this

          //commentparser also removes comment from $answer
          $question->answer[$key] = addslashes($this

        // end foreach

        //$question->usecase = 0;  // Ignore case

        //$question->defaultgrade = 1;

        //$question->image = "";   // No images with this format
        return $question;
      case NUMERICAL:

        // Note similarities to ShortAnswer
        $answertext = substr($answertext, 1);

        // remove leading "#"
        // If there is feedback for a wrong answer, store it for now.
        if (($pos = strpos($answertext, '~')) !== false) {
          $wrongfeedback = substr($answertext, $pos);
          $answertext = substr($answertext, 0, $pos);
        else {
          $wrongfeedback = '';
        $answers = explode("=", $answertext);
        if (isset($answers[0])) {
          $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]);
        if (empty($answers[0])) {
        if (count($answers) == 0) {

          // invalid question
          $giftnonumericalanswers = get_string('giftnonumericalanswers', 'quiz');
            ->error($giftnonumericalanswers, $text);
          return false;
        foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
          $answer = trim($answer);

          // Answer weight
          if (ereg($gift_answerweight_regex, $answer)) {

            // check for properly formatted answer weight
            $answer_weight = $this
          else {

            //default, i.e., full-credit anwer
            $answer_weight = 1;
          $question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight;
          $question->feedback[$key] = $this

          //commentparser also removes comment from $answer

          //Calculate Answer and Min/Max values
          if (strpos($answer, "..") > 0) {

            // optional [min]..[max] format
            $marker = strpos($answer, "..");
            $max = trim(substr($answer, $marker + 2));
            $min = trim(substr($answer, 0, $marker));
            $ans = ($max + $min) / 2;
            $tol = $max - $ans;
          elseif (strpos($answer, ":") > 0) {

            // standard [answer]:[errormargin] format
            $marker = strpos($answer, ":");
            $tol = trim(substr($answer, $marker + 1));
            $ans = trim(substr($answer, 0, $marker));
          else {

            // only one valid answer (zero errormargin)
            $tol = 0;
            $ans = trim($answer);
          if (!(is_numeric($ans) || ($ans = '*')) || !is_numeric($tol)) {
            $errornotnumbers = get_string('errornotnumbers');
              ->error($errornotnumbers, $text);
            return false;

          // store results
          $question->answer[$key] = $ans;
          $question->tolerance[$key] = $tol;

        // end foreach
        if ($wrongfeedback) {
          $key += 1;
          $question->fraction[$key] = 0;
          $question->feedback[$key] = $this
          $question->answer[$key] = '';
          $question->tolerance[$key] = '';
        return $question;
        $giftnovalidquestion = get_string('giftnovalidquestion', 'quiz');
          ->error($giftnovalidquestion, $text);
        return false;

    // end switch ($question->qtype)

  // end function readquestion($lines)
  function repchar($text, $format = 0) {

    // escapes 'reserved' characters # = ~ { ) : and removes new lines
    // also pushes text through format routine
    $reserved = array(
    $escaped = array(

    $newtext = str_replace($reserved, $escaped, $text);
    $format = 0;

    // turn this off for now
    if ($format) {
      $newtext = format_text($format);
    return $newtext;
  function writequestion($question) {

    // turns question into string
    // question reflects database fields for general question and specific to type
    global $QTYPES;

    // initial string;
    $expout = "";

    // add comment
    $expout .= "// question: {$question->id}  name: {$question->name} \n";

    // get  question text format
    $textformat = $question->questiontextformat;
    $tfname = "";
    if ($textformat != FORMAT_MOODLE) {
      $tfname = text_format_name((int) $textformat);
      $tfname = "[{$tfname}]";

    // output depends on question type
    switch ($question->qtype) {
      case 'category':

        // not a real question, used to insert category switch
        $expout .= "\$CATEGORY: {$question->category}\n";
      case DESCRIPTION:
        $expout .= '::' . $this
          ->repchar($question->name) . '::';
        $expout .= $tfname;
        $expout .= $this
          ->repchar($question->questiontext, $textformat);
      case ESSAY:
        $expout .= '::' . $this
          ->repchar($question->name) . '::';
        $expout .= $tfname;
        $expout .= $this
          ->repchar($question->questiontext, $textformat);
        $expout .= "{}\n";
      case TRUEFALSE:
        $trueanswer = $question->options->answers[$question->options->trueanswer];
        $falseanswer = $question->options->answers[$question->options->falseanswer];
        if ($trueanswer->fraction == 1) {
          $answertext = 'TRUE';
          $right_feedback = $trueanswer->feedback;
          $wrong_feedback = $falseanswer->feedback;
        else {
          $answertext = 'FALSE';
          $right_feedback = $falseanswer->feedback;
          $wrong_feedback = $trueanswer->feedback;
        $wrong_feedback = $this
        $right_feedback = $this
        $expout .= "::" . $this
          ->repchar($question->name) . "::" . $tfname . $this
          ->repchar($question->questiontext, $textformat) . "{" . $this
        if ($wrong_feedback) {
          $expout .= "#" . $wrong_feedback;
        else {
          if ($right_feedback) {
            $expout .= "#";
        if ($right_feedback) {
          $expout .= "#" . $right_feedback;
        $expout .= "}\n";
      case MULTICHOICE:
        $expout .= "::" . $this
          ->repchar($question->name) . "::" . $tfname . $this
          ->repchar($question->questiontext, $textformat) . "{\n";
        foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) {
          if ($answer->fraction == 1) {
            $answertext = '=';
          elseif ($answer->fraction == 0) {
            $answertext = '~';
          else {
            $export_weight = $answer->fraction * 100;
            $answertext = "~%{$export_weight}%";
          $expout .= "\t" . $answertext . $this
          if ($answer->feedback != "") {
            $expout .= "#" . $this
          $expout .= "\n";
        $expout .= "}\n";
      case SHORTANSWER:
        $expout .= "::" . $this
          ->repchar($question->name) . "::" . $tfname . $this
          ->repchar($question->questiontext, $textformat) . "{\n";
        foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) {
          $weight = 100 * $answer->fraction;
          $expout .= "\t=%" . $weight . "%" . $this
            ->repchar($answer->answer) . "#" . $this
            ->repchar($answer->feedback) . "\n";
        $expout .= "}\n";
      case NUMERICAL:
        $expout .= "::" . $this
          ->repchar($question->name) . "::" . $tfname . $this
          ->repchar($question->questiontext, $textformat) . "{#\n";
        foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) {
          if ($answer->answer != '') {
            $percentage = '';
            if ($answer->fraction < 1) {
              $pval = $answer->fraction * 100;
              $percentage = "%{$pval}%";
            $expout .= "\t={$percentage}" . $answer->answer . ":" . (double) $answer->tolerance . "#" . $this
              ->repchar($answer->feedback) . "\n";
          else {
            $expout .= "\t~#" . $this
              ->repchar($answer->feedback) . "\n";
        $expout .= "}\n";
      case MATCH:
        $expout .= "::" . $this
          ->repchar($question->name) . "::" . $tfname . $this
          ->repchar($question->questiontext, $textformat) . "{\n";
        foreach ($question->options->subquestions as $subquestion) {
          $expout .= "\t=" . $this
            ->repchar($subquestion->questiontext) . " -> " . $this
            ->repchar($subquestion->answertext) . "\n";
        $expout .= "}\n";

        // check for plugins
        if ($out = $this
          ->try_exporting_using_qtypes($question->qtype, $question)) {
          $expout .= $out;
        else {
          $expout .= "// {$question->qtype} is not supported by the GIFT format\n";
          $menuname = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]
          notify(get_string('nohandler', 'qformat_gift', $menuname));

    // add empty line to delimit questions
    $expout .= "\n";
    return $expout;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
qformat_default::$canaccessbackupdata property
qformat_default::$category property
qformat_default::$catfromfile property
qformat_default::$cattofile property
qformat_default::$contextfromfile property
qformat_default::$contexttofile property
qformat_default::$course property
qformat_default::$displayerrors property
qformat_default::$filename property
qformat_default::$importerrors property
qformat_default::$matchgrades property
qformat_default::$questionids property
qformat_default::$questions property
qformat_default::$realfilename property
qformat_default::$stoponerror property
qformat_default::$translator property
qformat_default::count_questions function Count all non-category questions in the questions array.
qformat_default::create_category_path function find and/or create the category described by a delimited list e.g. $course$/tom/dick/harry or tom/dick/harry
qformat_default::defaultquestion function return an "empty" question Somewhere to specify question parameters that are not handled by import but are required db fields. This should not be overridden.
qformat_default::error function Handle parsing error
qformat_default::exportpostprocess function Do an post-processing that may be required
qformat_default::exportpreprocess function Do any pre-processing that may be required 1
qformat_default::exportprocess function Do the export For most types this should not need to be overrided 1
qformat_default::export_file_extension function Return the files extension appropriate for this type override if you don't want .txt 3
qformat_default::format_question_text function where question specifies a moodle (text) format this performs the conversion.
qformat_default::get_category_path function get the category as a path (e.g., tom/dick/harry)
qformat_default::importimagefile function Import an image file encoded in base64 format
qformat_default::importpostprocess function Override if any post-processing is required 2
qformat_default::importpreprocess function Perform any required pre-processing 2
qformat_default::importprocess function Process the file This method should not normally be overidden 1
qformat_default::presave_process function Enable any processing to be done on the content just prior to the file being saved default is to do nothing 2
qformat_default::question_get_export_dir function get directory into which export is going
qformat_default::readdata function Return complete file within an array, one item per line 1
qformat_default::readquestions function Parses an array of lines into an array of questions, where each item is a question object as defined by readquestion(). Questions are defined as anything between blank lines. 9
qformat_default::setCategory function set the category
qformat_default::setCatfromfile function set catfromfile
qformat_default::setCattofile function set cattofile
qformat_default::setContextfromfile function set contextfromfile
qformat_default::setContexts function set an array of contexts.
qformat_default::setContexttofile function set contexttofile
qformat_default::setCourse function set the course class variable
qformat_default::setFilename function set the filename
qformat_default::setMatchgrades function set matchgrades
qformat_default::setQuestions function Set the specific questions to export. Should not include questions with parents (sub questions of cloze question type). Only used for question export.
qformat_default::setRealfilename function set the "real" filename (this is what the user typed, regardless of wha happened next)
qformat_default::setStoponerror function set stoponerror
qformat_default::set_can_access_backupdata function
qformat_default::try_exporting_using_qtypes function Provide export functionality for plugin questiontypes Do not override
qformat_default::try_importing_using_qtypes function Import for questiontype plugins Do not override.
qformat_gift::answerweightparser function
qformat_gift::check_answer_count function
qformat_gift::commentparser function
qformat_gift::escapedchar_post function
qformat_gift::escapedchar_pre function
qformat_gift::provide_export function Overrides qformat_default::provide_export
qformat_gift::provide_import function Overrides qformat_default::provide_import
qformat_gift::readquestion function Given the data known to define a question in this format, this function converts it into a question object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle. Overrides qformat_default::readquestion
qformat_gift::repchar function
qformat_gift::split_truefalse_comment function
qformat_gift::writequestion function convert a single question object into text output in the given format. This must be overriden Overrides qformat_default::writequestion